Interface GM_Object
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- GM_Aggregate, GM_Boundary, GM_Complex, GM_ComplexBoundary, GM_Composite, GM_CompositeCurve, GM_CompositePoint, GM_CompositeSolid, GM_CompositeSurface, GM_Curve, GM_CurveBoundary, GM_MultiCurve, GM_MultiPoint, GM_MultiPrimitive, GM_MultiSolid, GM_MultiSurface, GM_OrientableCurve, GM_OrientablePrimitive, GM_OrientableSurface, GM_Point, GM_Primitive, GM_PrimitiveBoundary, GM_Ring, GM_Shell, GM_Solid, GM_SolidBoundary, GM_Surface, GM_SurfaceBoundary
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- GM_Aggregate_Impl, GM_Boundary_Impl, GM_Curve_Impl, GM_CurveBoundary_Impl, GM_MultiCurve_Impl, GM_MultiPoint_Impl, GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl, GM_MultiSurface_Impl, GM_Object_Impl, GM_OrientableCurve_Impl, GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl, GM_OrientableSurface_Impl, GM_Point_Impl, GM_Primitive_Impl, GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl, GM_Ring_Impl, GM_Surface_Impl, GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
- public interface GM_Object
The basic interface for all geometries. it declares the methods that
are common to all geometries. this doesn't means for example that all
geometries defines a valid boundary but is there asked for they should
be able to answer (with null).
- Version:
- $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/10/23 13:24:14 $
- Author:
- Andreas Poth
Method Summary |
boolean |
contains(GM_Object gmo)
The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
contains another GM_Object. |
boolean |
contains(GM_Position position)
The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
contains a single point given by a coordinate. |
GM_Object |
difference(GM_Object gmo)
The "difference" operation shall return the set theoretic difference of
this GM_Object and the passed GM_Object. |
double |
distance(GM_Object gmo)
The operation "distance" shall return the distance between this GM_Object
and another GM_Object. |
GM_Boundary |
returns the boundary of a geometry |
GM_Object |
getBuffer(double distance)
The operation "buffer" shall return a GM_Object containing all points whose
distance from this GM_Object is less than or equal to the "distance" passed
as a parameter. |
GM_Point |
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this
GM_Object. |
GM_Object |
The operation "convexHull" shall return a GM_Object that represents the
convex hull of this GM_Object. |
int |
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the
coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the
coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object. |
CS_CoordinateSystem |
returns the spatial reference system of a geometry |
int |
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this
GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
GM_Envelope |
returns the bounding box of a geometry |
GM_Object |
intersection(GM_Object gmo)
The "intersection" operation shall return the set theoretic intersection
of this GM_Object and the passed GM_Object. |
boolean |
intersects(GM_Object gmo)
The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
intersects another GM_Object. |
boolean |
returns true if no geometry values resp. points stored
within the geometry. |
boolean |
isWithinDistance(GM_Object gmo,
double distance)
void |
translate(double[] d)
translate a geometry by the submitted values. if the length
of d is smaller then the dimension of the geometry
only the first d.length'th coordinates will be translated.
GM_Object |
union(GM_Object gmo)
The "union" operation shall return the set theoretic union of this GM_Object
and the passed GM_Object. |
public GM_Envelope getEnvelope()
- returns the bounding box of a geometry
public GM_Boundary getBoundary()
- returns the boundary of a geometry
public int getDimension()
- The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this
GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
The dimension of a collection of geometric objects shall be the largest
dimension of any of its pieces. Points are 0-dimensional, curves are
1-dimensional, surfaces are 2-dimensional, and solids are 3-dimensional.
public int getCoordinateDimension()
- The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the
coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the
coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
public CS_CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem()
- returns the spatial reference system of a geometry
public boolean isEmpty()
- returns true if no geometry values resp. points stored
within the geometry.
public double distance(GM_Object gmo)
- The operation "distance" shall return the distance between this GM_Object
and another GM_Object. This distance is defined to be the greatest lower
bound of the set of distances between all pairs of points that include
one each from each of the two GM_Objects. A "distance" value shall be a
positive number associated to distance units such as meters or standard
foot. If necessary, the second geometric object shall be transformed into
the same coordinate reference system as the first before the distance is
If the geometric objects overlap, or touch, then their distance apart
shall be zero. Some current implementations use a "negative" distance for
such cases, but the approach is neither consistent between implementations,
nor theoretically viable.
public void translate(double[] d)
- translate a geometry by the submitted values. if the length
of d is smaller then the dimension of the geometry
only the first d.length'th coordinates will be translated.
If the length of d is larger then the dimension of
the geometry an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundExceptions raises.
public GM_Point getCentroid()
- The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this
GM_Object. The result is not guaranteed to be on the object. For heterogeneous
collections of primitives, the centroid only takes into account those of the
largest dimension. For example, when calculating the centroid of surfaces,
an average is taken weighted by area. Since curves have no area they do not
contribute to the average.
public GM_Object getConvexHull()
- The operation "convexHull" shall return a GM_Object that represents the
convex hull of this GM_Object.
public GM_Object getBuffer(double distance)
- The operation "buffer" shall return a GM_Object containing all points whose
distance from this GM_Object is less than or equal to the "distance" passed
as a parameter. The GM_Object returned is in the same reference system as
this original GM_Object. The dimension of the returned GM_Object is normally
the same as the coordinate dimension - a collection of GM_Surfaces in 2D
space and a collection of GM_Solids in 3D space, but this may be application
public boolean contains(GM_Object gmo)
- The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
contains another GM_Object.
public boolean contains(GM_Position position)
- The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
contains a single point given by a coordinate.
public boolean intersects(GM_Object gmo)
- The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object
intersects another GM_Object. Within a GM_Complex, the GM_Primitives do not
intersect one another. In general, topologically structured data uses shared
geometric objects to capture intersection information.
public GM_Object union(GM_Object gmo)
- The "union" operation shall return the set theoretic union of this GM_Object
and the passed GM_Object.
public GM_Object intersection(GM_Object gmo)
- The "intersection" operation shall return the set theoretic intersection
of this GM_Object and the passed GM_Object.
public GM_Object difference(GM_Object gmo)
- The "difference" operation shall return the set theoretic difference of
this GM_Object and the passed GM_Object.
public boolean isWithinDistance(GM_Object gmo,
double distance)