Interface CoverageLayer

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All Known Implementing Classes:
CoverageLayer_Impl, GridCoverageLayer_Impl

public interface CoverageLayer
extends Layer

In its Capabilities XML response, a Web Coverage Server announces that it can return coverages (that is, values or properties of spatio-temporal locations) culled from various collections of data. Each logical collection from which coverages may be requested is called a coverage layer. The different kinds of coverage layers available all share several common elements, which comprise the CoverageLayer.


$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/01/27 11:29:38 $

Andreas Poth

Method Summary getDescriptorResource()
          returns the URL where to access the descriptor file for this layer
 DomainSetExtentDescription getDomainSetExtentDescription()
          returns the DomainSetExtentDescription of the CoverageLayer.
 java.lang.String[] getSupportedInterpolationList()
          returns a list of supported interpolations that states whether and how the server will interpolate a CoverageLayer’s values over the spatial domain when a request requires resampling, reprojection, or other generalization.
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.coverage.Layer
getAbstract, getCRS, getKeywordList, getLatLonBoundingBox, getLayerID, getMetadataURLs, getNativeCRS, getQueryCRS, getResponseCRS, getSupportedFormatList, getTitle

Method Detail


public DomainSetExtentDescription getDomainSetExtentDescription()
returns the DomainSetExtentDescription of the CoverageLayer. The DomainSetExtentDescription is contrected by for each coverage type.


public java.lang.String[] getSupportedInterpolationList()
returns a list of supported interpolations that states whether and how the server will interpolate a CoverageLayer’s values over the spatial domain when a request requires resampling, reprojection, or other generalization. The optional, repeatable InterpolationMethod sub-element may have one of 8 different values: “nearest neighbor”, “linear”, “bilinear”, “bicubic”, “lost area”, “barycentric”, “piecewise constant”, and “none”.


public getDescriptorResource()
returns the URL where to access the descriptor file for this layer