Interface DomainSetExtentDescription

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DomainSetExtentDescription_Impl, GridExtentDescription_Impl

public interface DomainSetExtentDescription

Describes the extents that are common to all coverage types.


$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/01/27 11:29:38 $

Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 int getDimension()
          return the dimension of the (spatial?)
 ElevationExtent getElevationExtent()
          Lastly, an optional ElevationExtent element, lists the elevation intervals or points at which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.
 SpatialExtent getSpatialExtent()
          First, a required SpatialExtent element lists the bounds along each of the spatial dimensions within which coverages may be requested from a overage layer.
 TemporalExtent getTemporalExtent()
          An optional TemporalExtent element, depicted in Figure 6 below, lists the times for which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.
 boolean isTemporal()
          returns true if the extent is temporal

Method Detail


public boolean isTemporal()
returns true if the extent is temporal


public int getDimension()
return the dimension of the (spatial?) extent


public SpatialExtent getSpatialExtent()
First, a required SpatialExtent element lists the bounds along each of the spatial dimensions within which coverages may be requested from a overage layer.


public TemporalExtent getTemporalExtent()
An optional TemporalExtent element, depicted in Figure 6 below, lists the times for which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer. These may consist of one or more intervals or points in time.

TemporalExtent has an optional attribute uom indicating the units of measure in which it expresses time intervals or instances.


public ElevationExtent getElevationExtent()
Lastly, an optional ElevationExtent element, lists the elevation intervals or points at which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.

ElevationExtent has an optional attribute uom indicating the units of measure in which it expresses elevations.

ElevationExtent is intended to supplement a 2-dimensional spatial extent with elevation information.