Package org.deegree.model.coverage

Interface Summary
CMYKEntry describes an entry to a color table in CMYK format -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Count describes a count value of a histogram -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CoverageLayer In its Capabilities XML response, a Web Coverage Server announces that it can return coverages (that is, values or properties of spatio-temporal locations) culled from various collections of data.
CVDescriptor Interface for describing a coverage layer with a multi level resolution splitted into several Tiles.
Directory -----------------------------------------------------------------------
DomainSetExtentDescription Describes the extents that are common to all coverage types.
ElevationExtent -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtentType describes the common extent elements -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Format describes a format a WCS is able to return coverages -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GrayEntry describes a gray entry of a color palette -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxis describts the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridAxisDescription describes the axis of a grid -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridCoverageLayer defines the additional fields for a GridCoverageLayer.
GridExtentDescription The GridExtentDescription that extends the shared DomainSetExtentDescription.
GridRange Specifies the range of valid coordinates for each dimension of the coverage.
GridRangeDescription In the case of a grid coverage layer, the range description adds several optional elements of the generic range component description, using a repeatable GridRangeDescription -----------------------------------------------------------------------
GridSpacing GridSpacing is required for rectified grids, but undefined for other grids.
Histogram Histogram records image statistics (mean and median value, etc.) and lists the counts and percentages of pixels in each of several brightness “bins.”
HLSEntry HLS entry of a color table -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Layer The Layer(Type), is meant to be shared with the Web Map Service and Web Feature Service and defines access basic to common elements.
Level ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Observable The Observable interface provides a structured description of the observations (quantities or properties) reported in this range component.
PseudoColorTable PseudoColorTable lists indexed color values, expressed as red-green-blue-alpha values, or hue-lightness-saturation, cyan-magenta-yellow-black, or grayscale -----------------------------------------------------------------------
PseudoColorTableEntry the interface defines the common field of all pseudo color table entries.
RangeAxis The RangeAxis interface is for compound observations.
RangeExtent defines a parameter value for which measurements are available.
RangeSetDescription This interface defines the properties (categories, measures, or values) assigned to each location in the domain.
RectifiedGrid RectifiedGrid describes grids, such as an orthophoto or Level 1G satellite image, whose grid coordinates in each dimension bear an affine relationship to those of a ground coordinate reference system.
RGBAEnty the interface defines a RGBA entry to a color table -----------------------------------------------------------------------
SpatialExtent The SpatialExtent lists the bounds along each of the spatial dimensions within which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer -----------------------------------------------------------------------
TemporalExtent The TemporalExtent lists the times for which coverages may be requested from a coverage layer.
Tile ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Exception Summary