Interface GridExtentDescription

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public interface GridExtentDescription
extends DomainSetExtentDescription

The GridExtentDescription that extends the shared DomainSetExtentDescription. It adds three/four fields to the DomainSetExtentDescription


$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/01/27 11:29:38 $

Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 Grid getGrid()
          Either Grid or RectifiedGrid is required.
 GridAxisDescription getGridAxisDescription()
          identifies each axis of the grid
 GridSpacing getGridSpacing()
          GridSpacing is required for rectified grids, but undefined for other grids.
 RectifiedGrid getRectifiedGrid()
          Either Grid or RectifiedGrid is required.
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.coverage.DomainSetExtentDescription
getDimension, getElevationExtent, getSpatialExtent, getTemporalExtent, isTemporal

Method Detail


public GridAxisDescription getGridAxisDescription()
identifies each axis of the grid


public GridSpacing getGridSpacing()
GridSpacing is required for rectified grids, but undefined for other grids. It provides the ground resolution (pixel size or post spacing) along each dimension of the grid, expressed in the units of the (rectified) grid’s Coordinate Reference System


public Grid getGrid()
Either Grid or RectifiedGrid is required. Both elements list the upper and lower bounds of the grid coordinates along each of the grid axes. (These are integer pixel or post coordinates, expressed in the grid’s internal coordinate reference system. The lower bounds are commonly defined as zero.)


public RectifiedGrid getRectifiedGrid()
Either Grid or RectifiedGrid is required. Both elements list the upper and lower bounds of the grid coordinates along each of the grid axes. (These are integer pixel or post coordinates, expressed in the grid’s internal coordinate reference system. The lower bounds are commonly defined as zero.)