Interface GM_Position

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GM_Position

A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions. The width is derived from the CRS or coordinate dimension of the container.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 double[] getAsArray()
          returns the x- and y-value of the point as a two dimensional array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value.
 double getX()
          returns the x-value of the point
 double getY()
          returns the y-value of the point
 double getZ()
          returns the z-value of the point
 void translate(double[] d)
          translates the coordinates of the position. the first coordinate of the position will be translated by the first field of d the second coordinate by the second field of d and so on...

Method Detail


public double getX()
returns the x-value of the point


public double getY()
returns the y-value of the point


public double getZ()
returns the z-value of the point


public double[] getAsArray()
returns the x- and y-value of the point as a two dimensional array the first field contains the x- the second field the y-value.


public void translate(double[] d)
translates the coordinates of the position. the first coordinate of the position will be translated by the first field of d the second coordinate by the second field of d and so on...