Uses of Interface

Packages that use GM_Position

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control that return GM_Position
private  GM_Position[] HighlightingListener.getCoordinates(RPCStruct struct)
          calculates the coordinates of the click event.
private  GM_Position[] HighlightingInfoListener.getCoordinates(RPCStruct struct)
          calculates the coordinates of the click event.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type GM_Position
private  java.lang.StringBuffer HighlightingListener.createSLD(GM_Position[] coords, GM_Envelope env, java.lang.String queryLay, ViewContext vc)
          creates the SLD xml file.
private  java.lang.String HighlightingInfoListener.createRequest(java.lang.String[] queryLayers, GM_Position[] coords, double[] box)
          creates a WFS GetFeature request from the passed layers (feature types) and the coordinates.

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree_impl.gml

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml that return GM_Position
static GM_Position[] GMLCoordinatesParser_Impl.coordinatesToPoints(GMLCoordinates coordinates)

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position WorldToScreenTransform.getDestPoint(GM_Position point)
          executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted point of the source coordinat system.
 GM_Position WorldToScreenTransform.getSourcePoint(GM_Position point)
          executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted point of the destination coordinate system.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
 GM_Position WorldToScreenTransform.getDestPoint(GM_Position point)
          executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted point of the source coordinat system.
 GM_Position WorldToScreenTransform.getSourcePoint(GM_Position point)
          executes a coordinat transformation for the submitted point of the destination coordinate system.

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position BNAGeometry.getPoint(int index)
 GM_Position[] BNAGeometry.getPoints()

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
 void BNAGeometry.addPoint(GM_Position point)
          Adds a new point and recompute the envelope

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
private  boolean SHP2WKS.isInsideRing(GM_Position[] ring, GM_Position point)
          method: private boolean isInsideRing(GM_Point[] ring, GM_Point point)
checks if a point is inside a polygon. the algorithm is taken from:

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Position
SHPPoint(GM_Position point)
          constructor: creates a SHPPoint from a WKS Geometrie

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct that return GM_Position
private  GM_Position[] GeoTransformer.transformPositions(GM_Position[] pos, MathTransform trans)
          transfroms an array of GM_Positions to the target coordinate reference system

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type GM_Position
private  GM_Position[] GeoTransformer.transformPositions(GM_Position[] pos, MathTransform trans)
          transfroms an array of GM_Positions to the target coordinate reference system

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree_impl.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature that return GM_Position
private static GM_Position GMLFeatureAdapter.createPositionFromCoord(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of GM_Position created from the passed coord
static GM_Position[] GMLFeatureAdapter.createPositionFromCoordinates(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an array of GM_Positions created from the passed coordinates

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that implement GM_Position
(package private)  class GM_Position_Impl
          A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions.

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry declared as GM_Position
protected  GM_Position[] GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.exteriorRing
protected  GM_Position[][] GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.interiorRings
private  GM_Position[] GM_Ring_Impl.points
private  GM_Position GM_Point_Impl.position
private  GM_Position GM_Envelope_Impl.max
private  GM_Position GM_Envelope_Impl.min
protected  GM_Position[] GM_CurveSegment_Impl.points
private  GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.ep
private  GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.sp

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that return GM_Position
private static GM_Position[] LinearContains.getPositions(GM_Curve curve)
          Convenience method to extract all GM_Positions from a GM_Curve.
private static GM_Position[] JTSAdapter.createGMPositions(LineString line)
          Converts a LineString to an array of GM_Positions.
 GM_Position[] GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.getExteriorRing()
          returns a reference to the exterior ring of the surface
 GM_Position[][] GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.getInteriorRings()
          returns a reference to the interior rings of the surface
protected  GM_Position GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.calculateCentroid(GM_Position[] point)
          calculates the centroid of the surface patch taken from gems iv (modified) this method is only valid for the two-dimensional case.
 GM_Position[] GM_Ring_Impl.getPositions()
          gets the Ring as a Array of positions.
 GM_Position GM_Point_Impl.getPosition()
 GM_Position GM_Envelope_Impl.getMin()
          returns the minimum coordinates of bounding box
 GM_Position GM_Envelope_Impl.getMax()
          returns the maximum coordinates of bounding box
 GM_Position[] GM_CurveSegment_Impl.getPositions()
          returns all positions of the segement as array of GM_Position.
 GM_Position GM_CurveSegment_Impl.getPositionAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment position at the submitted index
 GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.getStartPoint()
          returns the StartPoint of the boundary
 GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.getEndPoint()
          returns the EndPoint of the boundary
static GM_Position GeometryFactory.createGM_Position(double x, double y)
          creates a GM_Position from two coordinates.
static GM_Position GeometryFactory.createGM_Position(double x, double y, double z)
          creates a GM_Position from two coordinates.
static GM_Position GeometryFactory.createGM_Position(double[] p)
          creates a GM_Position from an array of double.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_Position
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(GM_Position point1, GM_Position point2)
          the operations returns true if two the submitted points intersects
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(GM_Position point, GM_CurveSegment curve)
          the operations returns true if the submitted point intersects the passed curve segment
static boolean LinearIntersects.intersects(GM_Position point, GM_SurfacePatch surface)
          the operation returns true if the submitted point intersects the submitted surface patch
static boolean LinearContains.contains(GM_Position point1, GM_Position point2)
          the operations returns true if two the submitted points contains
static boolean LinearContains.contains(GM_CurveSegment curve, GM_Position point)
          the operations returns true if the submitted point contains the submitted curve segment
static boolean LinearContains.contains(GM_SurfacePatch surface, GM_Position point)
          the operation returns true if the submitted point contains the submitted surface patch
protected static boolean LinearContains.contains(GM_Position[] positions, GM_Position point)
          the operation returns true if polygon defined by an array of GM_Position contains the submitted point.
private static LinearRing JTSAdapter.export(GM_Position[] positions)
          Converts an array of GM_Positions to a LinearRing.
 boolean GM_Surface_Impl.contains(GM_Position position)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains a single point given by a coordinate.
private  double GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.calculateArea(GM_Position[] point)
          calculates the area of the surface patch taken from gems iv (modified) this method is only valid for the two-dimensional case.
protected  GM_Position GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.calculateCentroid(GM_Position[] point)
          calculates the centroid of the surface patch taken from gems iv (modified) this method is only valid for the two-dimensional case.
 boolean GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl.contains(GM_Position position)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains a single point given by a coordinate.
protected  void GM_Ring_Impl.setPositions(GM_Position[] positions)
          sets the Ring as a ArrayList of points
 boolean GM_Ring_Impl.contains(GM_Position position)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains a single point given by a coordinate.
 boolean GM_Object_Impl.contains(GM_Position position)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains a single point given by a coordinate.
 boolean GM_Envelope_Impl.contains(GM_Position point)
          returns true if the bounding box conatins the specified GM_Point
static GM_Envelope GeometryFactory.createGM_Envelope(GM_Position min, GM_Position max)
          creates a GM_Envelope object out from two croner coordinates
static GM_Point GeometryFactory.createGM_Point(GM_Position position, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Point from a position.
static GM_CurveSegment GeometryFactory.createGM_CurveSegment(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_CurveSegment from an array of points.
static GM_Curve GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(GM_Position[] positions, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from an array of GM_Positions.
static GM_SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createGM_SurfacePatch(GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_SurfacePatch from array(s) of GM_Position
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Surface composed of one GM_SurfacePatch from array(s) of GM_Position

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_Position
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_SurfacePatch_Impl object.
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Constructor, with Array and CS_CoordinateSystem
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Constructor, with Array, CS_CoordinateSystem and Orientation
GM_Polygon_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_Polygon_Impl object.
GM_Point_Impl(GM_Position gmo, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
GM_LineString_Impl(GM_Position[] gmps, CS_CoordinateSystem cs)
          Creates a new GM_LineString_Impl object.
GM_Envelope_Impl(GM_Position min, GM_Position max)
          Creates a new GM_Envelope_Impl object.
GM_CurveSegment_Impl(GM_Position[] gmps, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_CurveSegment_Impl object.
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_Position sp, GM_Position ep)
          constructor of curve_boundary with CS_CoordinateSystem and startpoint and endpoint

Uses of GM_Position in

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Position
LayerBoundingBox_Impl(GM_Position min, GM_Position max, java.lang.String srs, double resx, double resy)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position[] WTSScene_Impl.getFrontBorderFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of frame the viewer sees next to him and that contains data
 GM_Position[] WTSScene_Impl.getBackFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data

Uses of GM_Position in

Fields in declared as GM_Position
private  GM_Position WTSGetViewRequest_Impl.poi

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position WTSGetViewRequest_Impl.getPointOfInterest()
          The POI (Point of Interest) parameter defines the x, y, z point in SRS units.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
static WTSGetViewRequest WTSProtocolFactory.createGetViewRequest(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter, java.lang.String format, WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] layers, java.lang.String crs, int width, int height, java.awt.Color bgColor, double aov, double distance, double pitch, GM_Position poi, double yaw, java.lang.String exceptions, java.util.Calendar date, double scale, java.lang.Object background, java.lang.String[] dem, WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] ftCollections)
          creates a WTSGetViewRequest from a set of parameters

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Position
WTSGetViewRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter, java.lang.String format, WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] layers, java.lang.String crs, int width, int height, java.awt.Color bgColor, double aov, double distance, double pitch, GM_Position poi, double yaw, java.lang.String exceptions, java.util.Calendar date, double scale, java.lang.Object background, java.lang.String[] dem, WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] ftCollections)
          Creates a new WTSGetViewRequest_Impl object.

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
private static GM_Position[] TINtoTINArrayConverter.ccw(GM_Position[] ring)

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
private static GM_Position[] TINtoTINArrayConverter.ccw(GM_Position[] ring)

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
 java.lang.String[] position)
          selects all features (display elements) that intersects the submitted point. if a feature is already selected it remains selected.
 java.lang.String[] position, double radius)
          selects all features (display elements) that are located within the circle described by the position and the radius. if a feature is already selected it remains selected.

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position GeoTransform.getSourcePoint(GM_Position point)
 GM_Position GeoTransform.getDestPoint(GM_Position point)

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Position
 GM_Position GeoTransform.getSourcePoint(GM_Position point)
 GM_Position GeoTransform.getDestPoint(GM_Position point)

Uses of GM_Position in org.deegree.model.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry that return GM_Position
 GM_Position[] GM_SurfacePatch.getExteriorRing()
          returns the exterior ring of the surface
 GM_Position[][] GM_SurfacePatch.getInteriorRings()
          returns the interior rings of the surface
 GM_Position[] GM_Ring.getPositions()
          returns all positions the builds the ring
 GM_Position GM_Point.getPosition()
          returns the position of the point
 GM_Position GM_Envelope.getMin()
          returns the minimum coordinates of bounding box
 GM_Position GM_Envelope.getMax()
          returns the maximum coordinates of bounding box
 GM_Position[] GM_CurveSegment.getPositions()
          returns all positions of the segement as array of GM_Point
 GM_Position GM_CurveSegment.getPositionAt(int index)
          returns the curve position at the submitted index
 GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary.getStartPoint()
          gets the start position of a boundary
 GM_Position GM_CurveBoundary.getEndPoint()
          gets the end position of a boundary

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_Position
 boolean GM_Object.contains(GM_Position position)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains a single point given by a coordinate.
 boolean GM_Envelope.contains(GM_Position position)
          returns true if the bounding box contains the submitted position

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position[] WTSScene.getFrontBorderFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of frame the viewer sees next to him and that contains data
 GM_Position[] WTSScene.getBackFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data

Uses of GM_Position in

Methods in that return GM_Position
 GM_Position WTSGetViewRequest.getPointOfInterest()
          The POI (Point of Interest) parameter defines the x, y, z point in SRS units.