Package org.deegree.model.geometry

Interface Summary
GM_Aggregate This interface defines the basis functionallity of all geometry aggregations. it will be specialized for the use of primitive, and solid geometries.
GM_Boundary This interface defines the basis functionallity of geomerty boundaries.
GM_Complex -----------------------------------------------------
GM_ComplexBoundary -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Composite -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CompositeCurve -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CompositePoint -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CompositeSolid -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CompositeSurface -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Curve The interface defines the access to curve geometries.
GM_CurveBoundary The interface defines the access to curve boundaries -----------------------------------------------------
GM_CurveSegment The interface defines the root of each unit building Curves -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Envelope a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago
GM_GenericCurve The interface defines the bais of curves and curve segments.
GM_GenericSurface The interface defines the basis of surfaces and surface patches -----------------------------------------------------
GM_LineString The interface defines a specialisation of the GM_CurveSegment interface for a sequence of point connected with linear interpolation.
GM_MultiCurve The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Curve objects.
GM_MultiPoint The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Point objects.
GM_MultiPrimitive This interface defines the basis functionallity of all aggregations containing primetive geometries.
GM_MultiSolid Basic interface for handling aggregations of solid geometries.
GM_MultiSurface This Interface defines the Aggregation of GM_Surfaces.
GM_Object The basic interface for all geometries. it declares the methods that are common to all geometries. this doesn't means for example that all geometries defines a valid boundary but is there asked for they should be able to answer (with null).
GM_OrientableCurve The specialisation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive as a curve.
GM_OrientablePrimitive The basic interface for orientated two dimensional geometries.
GM_OrientableSurface -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Point The basic two dimensional geometry -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Polygon A GM_Polygon is a specialized GM_SurfacePatch and it's implementation should be implementable.
GM_Position A sequence of decimals numbers which when written on a width are a sequence of coordinate positions.
GM_Primitive A GM_Primitive is the basic geometry for all none complex geometries.
GM_PrimitiveBoundary A GM_PrimitiveBoundary is the basic boundary for all none complex geometries.
GM_Ring defining a ring geometry that's part of a surface boundary ----------------------------------------------------------------------
GM_Shell -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Solid definies the basis of a three dimensional geometry.
GM_SolidBoundary -----------------------------------------------------
GM_Surface Defining the surface geometry of the iso geometry model. a surface is made of 1..n surface patches. for convention it is defined that GM_Surface is a closed geometry. that means each surface patch a surface is made of must touch at least one other surface patch if a surface is made of more then one surface patch -----------------------------------------------------
GM_SurfaceBoundary Defining the boundary of a surface.
GM_SurfaceInterpolation Defining the different kind of surface interpolation known by the iso geometry modell.
GM_SurfacePatch Defining the iso geometry GM_SurfacePatch which is used for building surfaces.

Class Summary
ByteUtils Utilities for reading and writing the components of binary files.

Exception Summary