Uses of Interface

Packages that use GM_MultiPrimitive

Uses of GM_MultiPrimitive in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that implement GM_MultiPrimitive
(package private)  class GM_MultiCurve_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_MultiCurve interface from package jago.model
(package private)  class GM_MultiPoint_Impl
          default implementierung of the GM_MultiPoint interface of package jago.model.
(package private)  class GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_MultiPrimitive interface of package jago.model.
(package private)  class GM_MultiSurface_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_MultiSurface interface from package jago.model.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_MultiPrimitive
private static GeometryCollection JTSAdapter.export(GM_MultiPrimitive multi)
          Converts a GM_MultiPrimitive to a GeometryCollection.
private  boolean GM_LineString_Impl.intersectsMultiPrimitive(GM_MultiPrimitive mprim)
          the operations returns true if the submitted multi primitive intersects with the curve segment
private  boolean GM_CurveBoundary_Impl.intersectsMultiPrimitive(GM_MultiPrimitive mprim)
          the operations returns true if the submitted multi primitive intersects with the curve segment

Uses of GM_MultiPrimitive in org.deegree.model.geometry

Subinterfaces of GM_MultiPrimitive in org.deegree.model.geometry
 interface GM_MultiCurve
          The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Curve objects.
 interface GM_MultiPoint
          The interface defines the access to a aggregations of GM_Point objects.
 interface GM_MultiSurface
          This Interface defines the Aggregation of GM_Surfaces.