Interface OGCWebServiceClient

All Known Implementing Classes:
GazetteerService_Impl, GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker, GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL, Splitter, WCASServlet.WCAS, WCSServlet.WCS, WCTService, WFSGServlet.WFSG, WFSServlet.WFS, WMSServlet.WMS, WTService_Impl, WTSServlet.WTS

public interface OGCWebServiceClient

This is the base interface clients to OGC Web Services within the deegree framework. It may be specialized defining additional write-methods.


Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 void write(java.lang.Object result)
          The method implements the OGCWebServiceClient interface.

Method Detail


public void write(java.lang.Object result)
The method implements the OGCWebServiceClient interface. So a deegree OWS implementation accessed by this class is able to return the result of a request by calling the write-method.

It is hardly suggested that the submitted object shall be an instance of OGCWebServiceEvent. But it don't have to be.