Interface OGCWebServiceEvent

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface OGCWebServiceEvent

This is the defining interface for event objects that contains a request, a response, a message or an exception the should be made available for a service.

the kind of contained imformation can be determined by calling the getType method.


Andreas Poth

Field Summary
static int REQUEST
static int RESPONSE
Method Summary
 OGCWebServiceClient getDestination()
          returns the client where to write the result/response or an error message to
 java.lang.String getId()
          returns the id of the of the request which performance caused the event.
 OGCWebServiceRequest getRequest()
          if the event is a REQUEST type the method returns the request transported by the event. otherwise null will be returned.
 OGCWebServiceResponse getResponse()
          if the event is a RESPONSE type the method returns the response transported by the event. otherwise null will be returned.
 int getType()
          returns the type of event. possible values are: REQUSET RESPONSE An EXCEPTION will allways be a response to a request or a message.

Field Detail


public static final int REQUEST
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RESPONSE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getId()
returns the id of the of the request which performance caused the event.


public int getType()
returns the type of event. possible values are: An EXCEPTION will allways be a response to a request or a message.


public OGCWebServiceRequest getRequest()
if the event is a REQUEST type the method returns the request transported by the event. otherwise null will be returned.


public OGCWebServiceResponse getResponse()
if the event is a RESPONSE type the method returns the response transported by the event. otherwise null will be returned.


public OGCWebServiceClient getDestination()
returns the client where to write the result/response or an error message to