
Interface Summary
DoubleExtent DoubleExtent implements the ISO extended time format The syntax for expressing Time constraints and date / time values is specified in WMS 1.1 Annexes C
Handler --------------------------------------------------------------------
OGCWebService This is the base interface for all OGC conform web services that are part of the deegree frame work.
OGCWebServiceClient This is the base interface clients to OGC Web Services within the deegree framework.
OGCWebServiceEvent This is the defining interface for event objects that contains a request, a response, a message or an exception the should be made available for a service.
OGCWebServiceException A web feature server has to handle two classes of errors; exceptions that are generated during the processing of a WFS request (such as parsing the request) and exceptions that are generated during the execution of a WFS request (such as a transaction failure).
OGCWebServiceRequest This is the base interface for all request on OGC Web Services (OWS).
OGCWebServiceResponse This is the base interface for all responses to OGC Web Services (OWS) requests.
RangeParamList The list of ranges in a URL request.
RequestController the interface describes the administration of requests that are in progress by the WFS/WCS/WMS/CS (Dispatcher) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimeExtent TimeExtent implements the ISO extended time format The syntax for expressing Time constraints and date / time values is specified in WMS 1.1 Annexes B

Class Summary

Exception Summary
InconsistentRequestException Thrown, if the Capabilities-document and the including configuration was invalid / inconsistent.
WebServiceException Exception that will be thrown by OGCWebServices if the service can't be performed