Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer with parameters of type WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
private void |
GazetteerService_Impl.performHierachyRequests(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
Node node)
creates GetFeature requests to receive the locations instances for the next hierarchy level related to the passed response |
private void |
GazetteerService_Impl.performWFSRequest(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
SI_LocationType locType)
performs requests for accessing the location instances ofthe next narrower term corresponding to the current hierarchy level of the passed WFSGetFeatureRespose |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.protocol |
Classes in org.deegree_impl.services.gazetteer.protocol that implement WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
class |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.wfs |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wfs with parameters of type WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
void |
XMLResponseHandler.handleResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
OGCWebServiceClient client,
WFSCapabilities capabilities)
the method handles the response to a get feature request of the WFSDispatcher and write it to the submittetd OutputStream |
private GMLFeatureCollection |
WFSRequestController.formatGMLFC(GMLFeatureCollection gmlfc,
WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
formats the result of a GetFeature request to GML and adds it to the submitted GMLFeatureCollection |
private FeatureCollection |
WFSRequestController.formatFC(FeatureCollection fc,
WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
formats the result of a GetFeature request as Features and adds them to the submitted FeatureCollection |
private org.w3c.dom.Document |
WFSRequestController.formatXML(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
formats the result of a GetFeature request as Elements and adds them to the submitted Document |
void |
GMLResponseHandler.handleResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
OGCWebServiceClient client,
WFSCapabilities capabilities)
the method handles the response to a get feature request of the WFSDispatcher and write it to the submittetd WFS client |
void |
FCResponseHandler.handleResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
OGCWebServiceClient client,
WFSCapabilities capabilities)
the method handles the response to a get feature request of the WFSDispatcher and write it to the submittetd OutputStream |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol |
Classes in org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol that implement WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
class |
The response toaGetFeature request is controlled by the outputFormat attribute. |
(package private) class |
For the |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wfs.protocol that return WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
static WFSGetFeatureResponse |
WFSProtocolFactory.createWFSGetFeatureResponse(OGCWebServiceRequest request,
java.lang.String[] affectedFeatureTypes,
OGCWebServiceException exception,
java.lang.Object response)
creates a WFSGetFeatureResponse object |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.wms |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wms with parameters of type WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
private void |
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.handleGetFeatureResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
handles the response of a WFS and calls a factory to create DisplayElement and a Theme from it |
private void |
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.handleGetFeatureResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
handles the response of a WFS and calls a factory to create DisplayElement and a Theme from it |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree_impl.services.wts |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wts with parameters of type WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
private void |
WTService_Impl.handleWFSResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response)
handles the response(s) from a WFS |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree.services.gazetteer.protocol |
Subinterfaces of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree.services.gazetteer.protocol | |
interface |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree.services.wfs |
Methods in org.deegree.services.wfs with parameters of type WFSGetFeatureResponse | |
void |
GetFeatureResponseHandler.handleResponse(WFSGetFeatureResponse response,
OGCWebServiceClient out,
WFSCapabilities capabilities)
the method handles the response of the WFSDispatcher and write it to the submittetd OutputStream |
Uses of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol |
Subinterfaces of WFSGetFeatureResponse in org.deegree.services.wfs.protocol | |
interface |
For the |