Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layer   

Uses of Layer in

Methods in that return Layer
static Layer[] ClientHelper.getLayers(WMSCapabilities capa)
          returns a list of all data layers available from the WMS which capabilities are submitted to the method

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
private static java.util.ArrayList ClientHelper.getLayers(Layer layer, java.util.ArrayList list)

Uses of Layer in

Methods in that return Layer
static Layer[] ClientHelper.getLayers(WMSCapabilities capa)
          returns a list of all data layers available from the WMS which capabilities are submitted to the method

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
private static java.util.ArrayList ClientHelper.getLayers(Layer layer, java.util.ArrayList list)

Uses of Layer in

Fields in declared as Layer
private  Layer GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.layer
private  Layer GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.layer

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
private  boolean GetMapHandler_Impl.validate(Layer layer, java.lang.String name)
          validates if the requested layer matches the conditions of the request if not a WebServiceException will be thrown.
private  boolean GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.validate(Layer layer, java.lang.String name)
          validates if the requested layer matches the conditions of the request if not a WebServiceException will be thrown.

Constructors in with parameters of type Layer
GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL(Layer layer, UserStyle[] styles, int index)
          Creates a new ServiceInvokerForNL object.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker(Layer layer, int index)
          Creates a new ServiceInvoker object.

Uses of Layer in

Classes in that implement Layer
(package private)  class Layer_Impl
          Each available map is advertised by a element in the Capabilities XML.

Fields in declared as Layer
private  Layer Layer_Impl.parent
private  Layer Capability_Impl.layer

Methods in that return Layer
protected  Layer OGCWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createLayer(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Creates a Layer-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'Layer'-Element.
 Layer[] Layer_Impl.getLayer()
          returns a list of layers the are enclosed by this layer.
 Layer Layer_Impl.getParent()
          returns the parent layer of this layer.
protected  Layer DeegreeWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createLayer(org.w3c.dom.Element element, GM_Envelope bbox)
          Creates a Layer-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'Layer'-Element.
 Layer Capability_Impl.getLayer()
          returns the top level layer that may encloses several more layers and layer hierachies available by a map server.
 Layer Capability_Impl.getLayer(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Layer identified by the submitted name.
private  Layer Capability_Impl.getLayer(java.lang.String name, Layer[] layers)
          recursion over all layers to find the layer that matches the submitted name.

Methods in with parameters of type Layer
 void Layer_Impl.addLayer(Layer layer)
          adds a list of layers the are enclosed by this layer.
 void Layer_Impl.setLayer(Layer[] layer)
          sets a list of layers the are enclosed by this layer.
 void Layer_Impl.setParent(Layer parent)
          sets the parent layer of this layer.
private  Layer Capability_Impl.getLayer(java.lang.String name, Layer[] layers)
          recursion over all layers to find the layer that matches the submitted name.
 void Capability_Impl.setLayer(Layer layer)
          sets the top level layer that may encloses several more layers and layer hierachies available by a map server.

Constructors in with parameters of type Layer
Layer_Impl(boolean queryable, int cascaded, boolean opaque, boolean noSubsets, int fixedWidth, int fixedHeight, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, Attribution attribution, ScaleHint scaleHint, java.lang.String[] keywordList, java.lang.String[] srs, LayerBoundingBox[] boundingBoxes, Dimension[] dimensions, Extent[] extents, AuthorityURL[] authorityURLs, Identifier[] identifiers, MetadataURL[] metadataURLs, DataURL[] dataURLs, FeatureListURL[] featureListURLs, Style[] styles, Layer[] layers, DataSource[] dataSource, Layer parent)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Capability_Impl(Request request, CException exception, org.w3c.dom.Document vendorSpecificCapabilities, UserDefinedSymbolization userDefinedSymbolization, Layer layer)
          constructor initializing the class with the capabilities

Uses of Layer in

Methods in that return Layer
 Layer[] Layer.getLayer()
          returns a list of layers the are enclosed by this layer.
 Layer Layer.getParent()
          returns the parent layer of this layer.
 Layer Capability.getLayer()
          returns the top level layer that may encloses several more layers and layer hierachies available by a map server.
 Layer Capability.getLayer(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the Layer identified by the submitted name.