Uses of Class

Packages that use CoordinateSystem

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.deegree_impl.gml

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 MathTransform TransformationFactory.getTransform(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          returns a Transform object that's able to perform a coordinate tranformation from the source- to the destination-coordinate system.
private  MathTransform TransformationFactory.getGeogrToProjected(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates from a geographic to a projected coodinate systems
private  MathTransform TransformationFactory.getProjectedToProjected(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates between two projected coodinate systems
private  MathTransform TransformationFactory.getProjectedToGeogr(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates from a projected to a geographic coodinate systems

Uses of CoordinateSystem in

Fields in declared as CoordinateSystem
protected  CoordinateSystem

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.deegree_impl.model.cs

Subclasses of CoordinateSystem in org.deegree_impl.model.cs
 class CompoundCoordinateSystem
          An aggregate of two coordinate systems.
 class GeocentricCoordinateSystem
          A 3D coordinate system, with its origin at the center of the Earth.
 class GeographicCoordinateSystem
          A coordinate system based on latitude and longitude.
 class HorizontalCoordinateSystem
          A 2D coordinate system suitable for positions on the Earth's surface.
 class LocalCoordinateSystem
          A local coordinate system, with uncertain relationship to the world.
 class ProjectedCoordinateSystem
          A 2D cartographic coordinate system.
 class TemporalCoordinateSystem
          A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for time measurements.
 class VerticalCoordinateSystem
          A one-dimensional coordinate system suitable for vertical measurements.

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.cs declared as CoordinateSystem
private  CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.head
          First sub-coordinate system.
private  CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.tail
          Second sub-coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem ConvenienceCSFactoryFull.getCSByName(java.lang.String name)
 CoordinateSystem ConvenienceCSFactory.getCSByName(java.lang.String name)
 CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.getHeadCS()
          Returns the first sub-coordinate system.
 CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.getTailCS()
          Returns the second sub-coordinate system.
 CoordinateSystem Adapters.wrap(CS_CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns a coordinate system for an OpenGIS interface.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 boolean VerticalCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean TemporalCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean ProjectedCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean LocalCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean HorizontalCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean GeographicCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 boolean GeocentricCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 CompoundCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createCompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, CoordinateSystem head, CoordinateSystem tail)
          Creates a compound coordinate system.
 boolean CoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
private  void cs)
 boolean CompoundCoordinateSystem.equivalents(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns true if this coordinate system is equivalents to the specified coordinate system.
 CS_CoordinateSystem Adapters.export(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns an OpenGIS interface for a coordinate system.

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
CompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String name, CoordinateSystem head, CoordinateSystem tail)
          Creates a compound coordinate system.
CompoundCoordinateSystem(java.util.Map properties, CoordinateSystem head, CoordinateSystem tail)
          Creates a compound coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.ct declared as CoordinateSystem
private  CoordinateSystem GeoTransformer.targetCS
private  CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.sourceCS
          The source coordinate system.
private  CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.targetCS
          The destination coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.getSourceCS()
          Gets the source coordinate system.
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.getTargetCS()
          Gets the target coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 void GeoTransformer.setTargetCS(CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          sets the target coordinate reference system of the Transformer
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 CoordinateTransformation CoordinateTransformationFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.
private  CoordinateTransformation CoordinateTransformationFactory.getGeographicTransformation(CoordinateSystem CS)
          Returns a transformation from CS to a geographic coordinate system.
private static CoordinateTransformation CoordinateTransformationFactory.createFromMathTransform(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS, TransformType type, MathTransform transform)
          Create a coordinate transform from a math transform.
private  Matrix CoordinateTransformationFactory.swapAndScaleAxis(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Returns an affine transform between two coordinate systems.
private static AxisOrientation[] CoordinateTransformationFactory.getAxisOrientations(CoordinateSystem cs, Dimensioned dim)
          Returns the axis orientation for the specified coordinate system.
private static java.lang.String CoordinateTransformationFactory.getTemporaryName(CoordinateSystem source)
          Returns a temporary name for generated objects.
 MathTransform ConvenienceTransformFactory.getTransform(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          returns a Transform object that's able to perform a coordinate tranformation from the source- to the destination-coordinate system.
private  MathTransform ConvenienceTransformFactory.getGeogrToProjected(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates from a geographic to a projected coodinate systems
private  MathTransform ConvenienceTransformFactory.getProjectedToProjected(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates between two projected coodinate systems
private  MathTransform ConvenienceTransformFactory.getProjectedToGeogr(CoordinateSystem src, CoordinateSystem dest)
          retuns a MathTransform object for the transformation of coodinates from a projected to a geographic coodinate systems
private static java.lang.String CannotCreateTransformException.getName(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Gets a display name for the specified coordinate system.

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
GeoTransformer(CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Creates a new GeoTransformer object.
CoordinateTransformation(java.lang.String name, CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS, TransformType type, MathTransform transform)
          Construct a coordinate transformation.
CannotCreateTransformException(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Construct an exception with a message stating that no transformation path has been found between the specified coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.deegree_impl.model.resources

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.resources that return CoordinateSystem
static CoordinateSystem OpenGIS.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.resources with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
static int OpenGIS.getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem cs, AxisInfo axis)
          Returns the dimension of the first axis of a particular type.
static CoordinateSystem OpenGIS.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system.
static HorizontalDatum OpenGIS.getHorizontalDatum(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns the first horizontal datum found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static VerticalDatum OpenGIS.getVerticalDatum(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns the first vertical datum found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static TemporalDatum OpenGIS.getTemporalDatum(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns the first temporal datum found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static java.lang.String OpenGIS.toWGS84String(CoordinateSystem cs, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds)
          Retourne une chaîne de caractères représentant la région géographique spécifiée.