Class GM_Curve_Impl

  extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
      extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Primitive_Impl
          extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl
              extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_OrientableCurve_Impl
                  extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Curve_Impl
All Implemented Interfaces:
GM_Curve, GM_GenericCurve, GM_Object, GM_OrientableCurve, GM_OrientablePrimitive, GM_Primitive,

class GM_Curve_Impl
extends GM_OrientableCurve_Impl
implements GM_Curve, GM_GenericCurve,

default implementation of the GM_Curve interface from package jago.model. ------------------------------------------------------------

Andreas Poth

Field Summary
protected  char orientation
protected  java.util.ArrayList segments
private static long serialVersionUID
          Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.
Fields inherited from class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
boundary, centroid, convexHull, crs, empty, envelope, mute, valid
Constructor Summary
GM_Curve_Impl(char orientation, GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system, an array of curve segments and the orientation of the curve
GM_Curve_Impl(GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
Method Summary
 void addCurveSegment(GM_CurveSegment segment)
          adds a segment at the end of the curve
private  void calculateBoundary()
          calculates the boundary of the Curve
private  void calculateCentroid()
          calculates the centroid of the Curve
private  void calculateEnvelope()
          calculates the envelope of the Curve
protected  void calculateParam()
          recalculates internal parameters
 java.lang.Object clone()
          returns a shallow copy of the geometry
 void deleteCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          deletes the segment at the submitted index
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
          checks if this curve is completly equal to the submitted geometry
 GM_LineString getAsLineString()
          returns the curve as GM_LineString. if there isn't a curve segment within the curve null will be returned
 int getCoordinateDimension()
          The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.
 GM_CurveBoundary getCurveBoundary()
          returns the boundary of the curve
 GM_CurveSegment getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment at the submitted index
 int getDimension()
          The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.
 GM_Point getEndPoint()
          returns the last point of the curve.if the curve doesn't contain a segment or the last segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned
 double getLength()
          returns the length of the curve in units of the related spatial reference system
 int getNumberOfCurveSegments()
          returns the number of segments building the curve
 char getOrientation()
          returns the orientation of a curve
 GM_Point getStartPoint()
          returns the first point of the curve. if the curve doesn't contain a segment or the first segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned
 void insertCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          inserts a segment in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted
 boolean intersects(GM_Object gmo)
          The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object intersects another GM_Object.
 boolean isEmpty()
          returns true if no segment is within the curve
 void setCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          writes a segment to the curve at submitted position. the old point will be deleted
 void setOrientation(char orientation)
          sets the curves orientation
 java.lang.String toString()
 void translate(double[] d)
          translate each point of the curve with the values of the submitted double array.
Methods inherited from class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Object_Impl
contains, contains, difference, distance, getBoundary, getBuffer, getCentroid, getConvexHull, getCoordinateSystem, getEnvelope, intersection, isValid, isWithinDistance, setCoordinateSystem, setEmpty, setValid, union
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_OrientablePrimitive
getOrientation, setOrientation
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Object
contains, contains, difference, distance, getBoundary, getBuffer, getCentroid, getConvexHull, getCoordinateSystem, getEnvelope, intersection, isWithinDistance, union

Field Detail


private static final long serialVersionUID
Use serialVersionUID for interoperability.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.util.ArrayList segments


protected char orientation
Constructor Detail


public GM_Curve_Impl(GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
              throws GM_Exception
initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'

segments - array of GM_CurveSegment


public GM_Curve_Impl(char orientation,
                     GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
              throws GM_Exception
initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system, an array of curve segments and the orientation of the curve

segments - array of GM_CurveSegment
orientation - of the curve
Method Detail


private void calculateEnvelope()
calculates the envelope of the Curve


private void calculateBoundary()
calculates the boundary of the Curve


private void calculateCentroid()
calculates the centroid of the Curve


protected void calculateParam()
Description copied from class: GM_Object_Impl
recalculates internal parameters

Specified by:
calculateParam in class GM_Object_Impl


public GM_CurveBoundary getCurveBoundary()
returns the boundary of the curve

Specified by:
getCurveBoundary in interface GM_OrientableCurve


public int getDimension()
The operation "dimension" shall return the inherent dimension of this GM_Object, which shall be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension. The dimension of a collection of geometric objects shall be the largest dimension of any of its pieces. Points are 0-dimensional, curves are 1-dimensional, surfaces are 2-dimensional, and solids are 3-dimensional.

Specified by:
getDimension in interface GM_Object


public int getCoordinateDimension()
The operation "coordinateDimension" shall return the dimension of the coordinates that define this GM_Object, which must be the same as the coordinate dimension of the coordinate reference system for this GM_Object.

Specified by:
getCoordinateDimension in interface GM_Object


public boolean intersects(GM_Object gmo)
The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object intersects another GM_Object. Within a GM_Complex, the GM_Primitives do not intersect one another. In general, topologically structured data uses shared geometric objects to capture intersection information.

dummy implementation

Specified by:
intersects in interface GM_Object
intersects in class GM_Object_Impl
gmo - the GM_Object to intersect with
true if the objects intersects, else false


public double getLength()
returns the length of the curve in units of the related spatial reference system

Specified by:
getLength in interface GM_GenericCurve


public int getNumberOfCurveSegments()
returns the number of segments building the curve

Specified by:
getNumberOfCurveSegments in interface GM_Curve


public GM_Point getStartPoint()
returns the first point of the curve. if the curve doesn't contain a segment or the first segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned

Specified by:
getStartPoint in interface GM_GenericCurve


public GM_Point getEndPoint()
returns the last point of the curve.if the curve doesn't contain a segment or the last segment doesn't contain a point null will be returned

Specified by:
getEndPoint in interface GM_GenericCurve


public GM_LineString getAsLineString()
                              throws GM_Exception
returns the curve as GM_LineString. if there isn't a curve segment within the curve null will be returned

Specified by:
getAsLineString in interface GM_GenericCurve


public GM_CurveSegment getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
                                  throws GM_Exception
returns the curve segment at the submitted index

Specified by:
getCurveSegmentAt in interface GM_Curve
index - index of the curve segment that should be returned
GM_Exception - a exception will be thrown if index is smaller than '0' or larger than getNumberOfCurveSegments()-1


public void setCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment,
                              int index)
                       throws GM_Exception
writes a segment to the curve at submitted position. the old point will be deleted

Specified by:
setCurveSegmentAt in interface GM_Curve
segment - curve segment that should be set
index - index where to set the curve segment
GM_Exception - a exception will be thrown if index is smaller than '0' or larger than getNumberOfCurveSegments()-1 or or the starting point of the submitted curve segment isn't equal to the ending point of segment at index-1 and/or the ending point of the submitted segment isn't equals to the curve segment at index+1


public void insertCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment,
                                 int index)
                          throws GM_Exception
inserts a segment in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted

Specified by:
insertCurveSegmentAt in interface GM_Curve
segment - curve segment that should be inserted
index - index where to insert the curve segment
GM_Exception - a exception will be thrown if index is smaller than '0' or larger than getNumberOfCurveSegments()-1 or or the starting point of the submitted curve segment isn't equal to the ending point of segment at index-1 and/or the ending point of the submitted segment isn't equals to the curve segment at index+1


public void addCurveSegment(GM_CurveSegment segment)
                     throws GM_Exception
adds a segment at the end of the curve

Specified by:
addCurveSegment in interface GM_Curve
segment - curve segment that should be set
GM_Exception - a exception will be thrown if the starting point of the submitted curve segment isn't equal to the ending point of the last segment.


public void deleteCurveSegmentAt(int index)
                          throws GM_Exception
deletes the segment at the submitted index

Specified by:
deleteCurveSegmentAt in interface GM_Curve
index - index of the curve segement that should be removed from the curve.
GM_Exception - will be thrown if index is smaller '0' or larger getNumberOfCurveSegments()-1


public boolean isEmpty()
returns true if no segment is within the curve

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface GM_Object
isEmpty in class GM_Object_Impl


public void translate(double[] d)
translate each point of the curve with the values of the submitted double array.

Specified by:
translate in interface GM_Object
translate in class GM_Object_Impl


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object other)
checks if this curve is completly equal to the submitted geometry

equals in class GM_Object_Impl
other - object to compare to
true if the objects are equal, else false


public java.lang.Object clone()
returns a shallow copy of the geometry

clone in class GM_Object_Impl


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class GM_Object_Impl


public char getOrientation()
returns the orientation of a curve

Specified by:
getOrientation in interface GM_OrientablePrimitive
curve orientation ('+'|'-')


public void setOrientation(char orientation)
                    throws GM_Exception
sets the curves orientation

Specified by:
setOrientation in interface GM_OrientablePrimitive
orientation - orientation of the curve ('+'|'-')
GM_Exception - will be thrown if orientation is invalid