Class WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
OGCWebServiceRequest, WCSGetCoverageRequest

class WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl
extends OGCWebServiceRequest_Impl
implements WCSGetCoverageRequest

defines the encapsulating of the WCS GetCoverage operation

method comments are taken from OGC WCS specification 0.7


Andreas Poth

Field Summary
private  GM_Envelope boundingBox
private  java.lang.String crs
private  int depth
private  java.lang.String exceptions
private  java.lang.String format
private  int height
private  java.lang.String interpolationMethod
private  java.lang.String layer
private  java.lang.String responseCrs
private  double resX
private  double resY
private  double resZ
private  RangeParamList rpl
private  int width
Fields inherited from class
id, request, service, vendorSpecificParameter, version
Constructor Summary
(package private) WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, double resX, double resY, double resZ, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
(package private) WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, int width, int height, int depth, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
private WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
Method Summary
 GM_Envelope getBoundingBox()
          GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.
 int getDepth()
 java.lang.String getExceptions()
          A Web Coverage Service must offer the exception reporting format application/vnd.ogc.se_xml by listing it in a element in its Capabilities XML.
 java.lang.String getFormat()
          The value of this parameter must be one of those listed in the Format element of the desired coverage layer in Capabilities XML.
 int getHeight()
 java.lang.String getInterpolationMethod()
          specifies what type of interpolation to use for resampling coverage values over the spatial domain.
 java.lang.String getLayer()
          The LAYER parameter requests a single coverage layer, identified in the Capabilities XML by a LayerID element.
 RangeParamList getRangeList()
          RangeParamList contains all the range parameter, including the special ranges "time" and "elevation".
 java.lang.String getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.
 java.lang.String getResponseSRS()
          This parameter specifies the coordinate system in which the coverage response should be referenced.
 double getResX()
          GetCoverage queries for gridded coverages may request coverage replies in specific grid resolution.
 double getResY()
 double getResZ()
 java.lang.String getSRS()
          The SRS (Spatial Reference System) parameter is specified in the Basic Service Elements section.
 int getWidth()
          GetCoverage queries for gridded coverages may request coverage replies with a specific grid size.
Methods inherited from class
getId, getRequest, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion, putVendorSpecificParameter, setId, setRequest, setService, setVendorSpecificParameter, setVersion, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getId, getRequest, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion

Field Detail


private RangeParamList rpl


private GM_Envelope boundingBox


private java.lang.String crs


private java.lang.String exceptions


private java.lang.String format


private java.lang.String interpolationMethod


private java.lang.String layer


private java.lang.String responseCrs


private double resX


private double resY


private double resZ


private int depth


private int height


private int width
Constructor Detail


private WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version,
                                   java.lang.String id,
                                   java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters,
                                   java.lang.String layer,
                                   java.lang.String crs,
                                   java.lang.String responseCrs,
                                   GM_Envelope boundingBox,
                                   RangeParamList rpl,
                                   java.lang.String format,
                                   java.lang.String interpolationMethod,
                                   java.lang.String exceptions)
version -
id -
vendorspecificParameters -
layer -
crs -
responseCrs -
boundingBox -
rpl -
format -
interpolationMethod -
exceptions -


WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version,
                           java.lang.String id,
                           java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters,
                           java.lang.String layer,
                           java.lang.String crs,
                           java.lang.String responseCrs,
                           GM_Envelope boundingBox,
                           RangeParamList rpl,
                           double resX,
                           double resY,
                           double resZ,
                           java.lang.String format,
                           java.lang.String interpolationMethod,
                           java.lang.String exceptions)
version -
id -
vendorspecificParameters -
layer -
crs -
responseCrs -
boundingBox -
rpl -
resX -
resY -
resZ -
format -
interpolationMethod -
exceptions -


WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version,
                           java.lang.String id,
                           java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters,
                           java.lang.String layer,
                           java.lang.String crs,
                           java.lang.String responseCrs,
                           GM_Envelope boundingBox,
                           RangeParamList rpl,
                           int width,
                           int height,
                           int depth,
                           java.lang.String format,
                           java.lang.String interpolationMethod,
                           java.lang.String exceptions)
version -
id -
vendorspecificParameters -
layer -
crs -
responseCrs -
boundingBox -
rpl -
width -
height -
depth -
format -
interpolationMethod -
exceptions -
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getLayer()
The LAYER parameter requests a single coverage layer, identified in the Capabilities XML by a LayerID element.

Specified by:
getLayer in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public RangeParamList getRangeList()
RangeParamList contains all the range parameter, including the special ranges "time" and "elevation".

Specified by:
getRangeList in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest
the RangeParamList


public java.lang.String getSRS()
The SRS (Spatial Reference System) parameter is specified in the Basic Service Elements section.

GetCoverage requests must use this parameter to specify the coordinate reference system in which the query (BBOX) is expressed. The values of this request parameter must be one of those defined in a SRS or QuerySRS/SRS element under the requested coverage layer.

Specified by:
getSRS in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public java.lang.String getResponseSRS()
This parameter specifies the coordinate system in which the coverage response should be referenced. This parameter is optional; its value defaults to that of SRS. Thus, omitting it requests a coverage response referenced in the same coordinate reference system as the query (like WMS and WFS).

The value of this request parameter must be one of those defined in a SRS or ResponseSRS/SRS element defined under the requested coverage layer

Specified by:
getResponseSRS in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public GM_Envelope getBoundingBox()
GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.

For any part of the coverage domain that is partly or entirely contained in the Bounding Box defined by BBOX, the server should return coverage data in the appropriate format.

In addition, if the Capabilities XML expresses the Layers domain as a 3-D bounding box in a 3D coordinate reference system, then GetCoverage queries may use an extended BBOX syntax (BBOX=minx,miny,maxx,maxy,minz,maxz), as described in the Basic Services Model. These extra numbers are optional: omitting minz,maxz requests the coverage layers default elevation (if defined).

Specified by:
getBoundingBox in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public int getWidth()
GetCoverage queries for gridded coverages may request coverage replies with a specific grid size. The parameters WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH define the grid size (number of gridpoints or cells) along the three axes of the grid.

Either these parameters or RESX, RESY, RESZ are normally required for grid coverage layers. However, if the Capabilities XML reports only the Interpolation method None for the queried coverage layer, then GetCoverage queries must be for the full native resolution of the data: they may not use RESX, RESY, RESZ or WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH to change the coverage resolution. In this case, BBOX alone is used for subsetting.

If the coverage layer has elevation extents expressed separately from its BoundingBox, then GetCoverage queries may use ELEVATION= as described previously to request a particular extent and resolution.

Specified by:
getWidth in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public int getHeight()
Specified by:
getHeight in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest
See Also:


public int getDepth()
Specified by:
getDepth in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest
See Also:


public double getResX()
GetCoverage queries for gridded coverages may request coverage replies in specific grid resolution. The parameters RESX and RESY define the grid-cell size along the first and second axes of the coordinate reference system given in SRS or RESPONSE_SRS.

If the RESPONSE_SRS is a 3D spatial reference system, then the additional RESZ parameter may be used to specify the desired resolution along the third axis of that spatial reference system.

Either these parameters or WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH are normally required for grid coverage layers. However, if the Capabilities XML reports only the Interpolation method None for the queried coverage layer, then GetCoverage queries must be for the full native resolution of the data: they may not use RESX, RESY, RESZ or WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH to change the coverage resolution. In this case, BBOX alone is used for subsetting.

If the coveage layer has elevation extents expressed separately from its BoundingBox, then GetCoverage queries may use ELEVATION= as described previously to request a particular extent and resolution.

Specified by:
getResX in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public double getResY()
Specified by:
getResY in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest
See Also:


public double getResZ()
Specified by:
getResZ in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest
See Also:


public java.lang.String getFormat()
The value of this parameter must be one of those listed in the Format element of the desired coverage layer in Capabilities XML. The entire MIME type string in the MIMEType sub-element is used as the value of the FORMAT parameter. In an HTTP environment, the MIME type must be set on the returned object using the Content-type entity header

Specified by:
getFormat in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public java.lang.String getInterpolationMethod()
specifies what type of interpolation to use for resampling coverage values over the spatial domain. This must be one of those listed for this coverage layer in Capabilities XML. Options are "linear", "bilinear", "bicubic", "lost area, "barycentric, "piecewise constant", and "none".

Specified by:
getInterpolationMethod in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public java.lang.String getExceptions()
A Web Coverage Service must offer the exception reporting format application/vnd.ogc.se_xml by listing it in a element in its Capabilities XML. The entire MIME type string in is used as the value of the EXCEPTIONS parameter.

Errors are reported using Service Exception XML, as specified in WMS 1.1 Section 6.7 and Annex A.3. This is the default exception format if none is specified in the request.

Specified by:
getExceptions in interface WCSGetCoverageRequest


public java.lang.String getRequestParameter()
                                     throws WebServiceException
returns the URI of a HTTP GET request. If the request doesn't support HTTP GET a WebServiceException will be thrown

Specified by:
getRequestParameter in interface OGCWebServiceRequest
getRequestParameter in class OGCWebServiceRequest_Impl