Class LayerBoundingBox_Impl

  extended byorg.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
All Implemented Interfaces:
GM_Envelope, LayerBoundingBox, Marshallable,

class LayerBoundingBox_Impl
extends GM_Envelope_Impl
implements LayerBoundingBox, Marshallable

Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer. Each BoundingBox states the bounding rectangle of the map data in a particular spatial reference system; the attribute SRS indicates which SRS applies. If the data area is shaped irregularly then the BoundingBox gives the minimum enclosing rectangle.The attributes minx, miny, maxx, maxy indicate the edges of the bounding box in units of the specified SRS. Optional resx and resy attributes indicate the spatial resolution of the data in those same units.

A Layer may have multiple BoundingBox element, but each one shall state a different SRS. A Layer inherits any BoundingBox values defined by its parents. A BoundingBox inherited from the parent Layer for a particular SRS is replaced by any declaration for the same SRS in the child Layer. A BoundingBox in the child for a new SRS not already declared by the parent is added to the list of bounding boxes for the child Layer. A single Layer element shall not contain more than one BoundingBox for the same SRS.


Andreas Poth

Field Summary
private  double resx
private  double resy
private  java.lang.String sRS
Fields inherited from class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
Constructor Summary
(package private) LayerBoundingBox_Impl()
          default constructor
(package private) LayerBoundingBox_Impl(GM_Position min, GM_Position max, java.lang.String srs, double resx, double resy)
          constructor initializing the class with the
Method Summary
 java.lang.String exportAsXML()
          Returns an XML representation of this object.
 double getResx()
          spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction.
 double getResy()
          spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction.
 java.lang.String getSRS()
          returns the name the spatial reference system of the bounding box
 void setResx(double resx)
          sets spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction
 void setResy(double resy)
          sets spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction
 void setSRS(java.lang.String srs)
          sets the name of the spatial reference system of the bounding box
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.deegree_impl.model.geometry.GM_Envelope_Impl
clone, contains, contains, createIntersection, equals, getBuffer, getHeight, getMax, getMin, getWidth, intersects, merge
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_Envelope
contains, contains, createIntersection, getBuffer, getHeight, getMax, getMin, getWidth, intersects, merge

Field Detail


private java.lang.String sRS


private double resx


private double resy
Constructor Detail


default constructor


LayerBoundingBox_Impl(GM_Position min,
                      GM_Position max,
                      java.lang.String srs,
                      double resx,
                      double resy)
constructor initializing the class with the

Method Detail


public double getResx()
spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction. If the resolution isn't known -1 will be returned.

Specified by:
getResx in interface LayerBoundingBox


public void setResx(double resx)
sets spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction


public double getResy()
spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction. If the resolution isn't known -1 will be returned.

Specified by:
getResy in interface LayerBoundingBox


public void setResy(double resy)
sets spatial resolution of the layers data in x-direction


public java.lang.String getSRS()
returns the name the spatial reference system of the bounding box

Specified by:
getSRS in interface LayerBoundingBox


public void setSRS(java.lang.String srs)
sets the name of the spatial reference system of the bounding box


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class GM_Envelope_Impl


public java.lang.String exportAsXML()
Returns an XML representation of this object.

Specified by:
exportAsXML in interface Marshallable
XML-representation of this object