Class WMSGetMapRequest_Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Marshallable, OGCWebServiceRequest, WMSGetMapRequest

public class WMSGetMapRequest_Impl
extends OGCWebServiceRequest_Impl
implements WMSGetMapRequest, Marshallable

This interface describes the access to the parameters of a GeMap request. It is excpected that there are two kinds of request. The first is the 'normal' HTTP GET request with name-value-pair enconding and the second is a HTTP POST request containing a SLD.

Even it is possible to access the values of a HTTP GET request throught their bean accessor methods the request shall be mapped to a SLD data structure that is accessible using the getSLD().


Katharina Lupp, Andreas Poth

Nested Class Summary
private static class WMSGetMapRequest_Impl.Layer_Impl
          A Layer object.
Nested classes inherited from class
Field Summary
private  java.awt.Color bGColor
private  GM_Envelope boundingBox
private  java.util.ArrayList elevation
private  java.lang.String exceptions
private  java.lang.String format
private  int height
private  java.util.ArrayList layers
private  java.util.ArrayList sampleDimension
private  StyledLayerDescriptor sld
private sLD_URL
private  java.lang.String srs
private  java.lang.String time
private  boolean transparency
private wFS_URL
private  int width
Fields inherited from class
id, request, service, vendorSpecificParameter, version
Constructor Summary
(package private) WMSGetMapRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers, double[] elevation, java.lang.String[] sampleDimension, java.lang.String format, int width, int height, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, java.awt.Color bGColor, java.lang.String exceptions, java.lang.String time, sldURL, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
          Creates a new WMSGetMapRequest_Impl object.
Method Summary
 void addElevation(double elevation)
          adds the
 void addLayers(WMSGetMapRequest.Layer layers)
          adds the
 void addSampleDimension(java.lang.String sampleDimension)
          adds the
static WMSGetMapRequest.Layer createLayer(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String style)
          creates a Layer object beacuse of the inner class construct.
 java.lang.String exportAsXML()
          exports the request in its XML representation.
 java.awt.Color getBGColor()
          The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
 java.lang.String getBGColorAsHex()
          transforms the color of the request from java.awt.Color to the hexadecimal representation as in an OGC conform WMS-GetMap request (e.g. white == "0xffffff").
 GM_Envelope getBoundingBox()
          The required BBOX parameter allows a Client to request a particular Bounding Box.
 double[] getElevation()
          Some geospatial information may be available at multiple elevations.
 java.lang.String getExceptions()
          The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
 java.lang.String getFormat()
          The FORMAT parameter specifies the output format of the response to an operation.
 int getHeight()
          HEIGHT specifies the number of pixels between the minimum and maximum Y values.
 WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] getLayers()
          The required LAYERS parameter lists the map layer(s) to be returned by this GetMap request.
 java.lang.String getRequestParameter()
          returns the parameter of a HTTP GET request.
 java.lang.String[] getSampleDimension()
          Some geospatial information may be available at other dimensions (for example, satellite images in different wavelength bands). getSLD_URL()
          URL of Styled Layer Descriptor (as defined in SLD Specification).
 java.lang.String getSrs()
          The required SRS parameter states which Spatial Reference System applies to the values in the BBOX parameter.
 StyledLayerDescriptor getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          returns the SLD the request is made of.
 java.lang.String getTime()
          This specification is based on [ISO 8601:1988(E)]; it extends ISO 8601 in the following ways: It defines a syntax for expressing the start, end and periodicity of a data collection.
 boolean getTransparency()
          The optional TRANSPARENT parameter specifies whether the map background is to be made transparent or not. getWFS_URL()
          URL of Web Feature Service providing features to be symbolized using SLD.
 int getWidth()
          WIDTH specifies the number of pixels to be used between the minimum and maximum X values (inclusive) in the BBOX parameter.
 void setBGColor(java.awt.Color bGColor)
 void setBoundingBox(GM_Envelope boundingBox)
          sets the
 void setElevation(double[] elevation)
          sets the
 void setExceptions(java.lang.String exceptions)
 void setFormat(java.lang.String format)
          sets the format
 void setHeight(int height)
          sets height
 void setLayers(WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers)
          sets the
 void setSampleDimension(java.lang.String[] sampleDimension)
          sets the
 void setSLD_URL( sLD_URL)
 void setSrs(java.lang.String srs)
          sets the srs
 void setStyledLayerDescriptor(StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
          sets the SLD the request is made of.
 void setTime(java.lang.String time)
          sets the
 void setTransparency(boolean transparency)
 void setWFS_URL( wFS_URL)
 void setWidth(int width)
          sets width
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class
getId, getRequest, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion, putVendorSpecificParameter, setId, setRequest, setService, setVendorSpecificParameter, setVersion
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getId, getRequest, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion

Field Detail


private java.util.ArrayList elevation


private java.util.ArrayList layers


private java.util.ArrayList sampleDimension


private java.awt.Color bGColor


private GM_Envelope boundingBox


private java.lang.String exceptions


private java.lang.String format


private java.lang.String srs


private java.lang.String time


private StyledLayerDescriptor sld


private sLD_URL


private wFS_URL


private boolean transparency


private int height


private int width
Constructor Detail


WMSGetMapRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version,
                      java.lang.String id,
                      WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers,
                      double[] elevation,
                      java.lang.String[] sampleDimension,
                      java.lang.String format,
                      int width,
                      int height,
                      java.lang.String srs,
                      GM_Envelope boundingBox,
                      boolean transparency,
                      java.awt.Color bGColor,
                      java.lang.String exceptions,
                      java.lang.String time,
                      StyledLayerDescriptor sld,
                      java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
Creates a new WMSGetMapRequest_Impl object.

version -
layers -
elevation -
sampleDimension -
format -
width -
height -
srs -
boundingBox -
transparency -
bGColor -
exceptions -
time -
sldURL -
sld -
id -
vendorSpecificParameter -
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getFormat()
The FORMAT parameter specifies the output format of the response to an operation.

An OGC Web Service may offer only a subset of the formats known for that type of operation, but the server shall advertise in its Capabilities XML those formats it does support and shall accept requests for any format it advertises. A Service Instance may optionally offer a new format not previously offered by other instances, with the recognition that clients are not required to accept or process an unknown format. If a request contains a Format not offered by a particular server, the server shall throw a Service Exception (with code "InvalidFormat").

Specified by:
getFormat in interface WMSGetMapRequest
the output format


public void setFormat(java.lang.String format)
sets the format

format - the requested output-format


public WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] getLayers()
The required LAYERS parameter lists the map layer(s) to be returned by this GetMap request. The value of the LAYERS parameter is a comma-separated list of one or more valid layer names. Allowed layer names are the character data content of any element in the Capabilities XML.

A WMS shall render the requested layers by drawing the leftmost in the list bottommost, the next one over that, and so on.

Each layer is associated to a style. Styles are also is encoded as a comma- seperated list within the GetMap request.

The required STYLES parameter lists the style in which each layer is to be rendered. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the values in the LAYERS parameter and the values in the STYLES parameter. Because of this layer-style combinations are returned coupled within an array of Layer- objects. Each map in the list of LAYERS is drawn using the corresponding style in the same position in the list of STYLES. Each style Name shall be one that was defined in the element of a