Uses of Interface

Packages that use RPCStruct

Uses of RPCStruct in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control declared as RPCStruct
private static RPCStruct ISO19115RequestFactory.struct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control with parameters of type RPCStruct
static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.createRequest(RPCStruct struct)
          creates a GetRecord request that is conform to the OGC Stateless Web Service Catalog Profil and GDI NRW catalog specifications from a RPC struct.
private  GM_Envelope DownloadListener.extractBoundinbox(RPCStruct bboxStruct)
          extracts a bounding box from the passed RPCStruct

Uses of RPCStruct in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type RPCStruct
private  java.util.HashMap[] PrintListener.createWMSRequestModel(RPCStruct struct, ViewContext vc)
          creates model with WMS request from the RPCStruct request parameter.
private  int[] PrintListener.calcImageSize(RPCStruct struct, java.util.HashMap model)
          calculates images size in dependency on chosen paperFormat, resolution and orientation.
private  java.awt.Rectangle PrintListener.calcLegendSize(RPCStruct struct, java.util.HashMap map)
          calculates size (width and height) of legend depending on chosen paperFormat and resolution.
private  java.awt.image.BufferedImage PrintListener.drawLegendToBI(RPCStruct struct, java.util.HashMap map, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bi, int start)
          draws legend with symbols and name of the layers to the background BufferedImage.
private  void PrintListener.saveImage(ViewContext vc, RPCStruct struct, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bg)
          saves image with BufferedImage including map, legend and scalebar in chosen image format and directory set in mapcontext.xml file.
private  java.lang.String PrintListener.createGetScaleBarRequest(RPCStruct struct, java.util.HashMap[] model)
          sets the request for scalebar.
private  java.util.HashMap PrintListener.getLegend(RPCStruct struct, WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest glr, java.util.HashMap[] model)
          gets legend with layers and styles.
private  GM_Position[] HighlightingListener.getCoordinates(RPCStruct struct)
          calculates the coordinates of the click event.
private  java.lang.String HighlightingListener.getQueryLayer(FormEvent event, RPCStruct struct)
          gets the layer to be highlighted.
private  java.lang.String[] HighlightingInfoListener.getQueryLayers(RPCStruct struct)
          gets the layer to be highlighted.
private  GM_Position[] HighlightingInfoListener.getCoordinates(RPCStruct struct)
          calculates the coordinates of the click event.
private  java.util.HashMap[] DynLegendListener.createWMSRequestModel(RPCStruct struct, ViewContext vc)
private  java.awt.image.BufferedImage DynLegendListener.createImage(RPCStruct struct)
private  void DynLegendListener.saveImage(ViewContext vc, RPCStruct struct, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bg)

Uses of RPCStruct in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control

Classes in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control that implement RPCStruct
 class RPCStruct_Impl
          The class encapsulates a RPC struct.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.enterprise.control that return RPCStruct
private static RPCStruct RPCFactory.createRPCStruct(org.w3c.dom.Element struct)
          creates a RPC struture object from the passed Element