Uses of Interface

Packages that use Layer   

Uses of Layer in

Classes in that implement Layer
 class CoverageLayer_Impl
          In its Capabilities XML response, a Web Coverage Server announces that it can return coverages (that is, values or properties of spatio-temporal locations) culled from various collections of data.
(package private)  class GridCoverageLayer_Impl
          defines the additional fields for a GridCoverageLayer.
(package private)  class Layer_Impl
          The Layer(Type), is meant to be shared with the Web Map Service and Web Feature Service and defines access basic to common elements.

Uses of Layer in org.deegree.model.coverage

Subinterfaces of Layer in org.deegree.model.coverage
 interface CoverageLayer
          In its Capabilities XML response, a Web Coverage Server announces that it can return coverages (that is, values or properties of spatio-temporal locations) culled from various collections of data.
 interface GridCoverageLayer
          defines the additional fields for a GridCoverageLayer.