Uses of Interface

Packages that use Feature

Uses of Feature in org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.gazetteer.control that return Feature
protected  Feature TakeListener.performRequest(RPCMethodCall mc, java.lang.String request)
          performs a GetFeature request against a WFS-G and returns the result encapsulated in GetTermResultSet

Uses of Feature in org.deegree_impl.gml

Methods in org.deegree_impl.gml with parameters of type Feature
static GMLFeature GMLFactory.createGMLFeature(org.w3c.dom.Document doc, Feature feature)
          creates a GMLFeature from a XML Element

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
 Feature FeatureLayer_Impl.getFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted id
 Feature[] FeatureLayer_Impl.getFeaturesById(java.lang.String[] ids)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted id
 Feature FeatureLayer_Impl.getFeature(int index)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted index
 Feature[] FeatureLayer_Impl.getAllFeatures()
          returns all features

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 void FeatureLayer_Impl.addFeature(Feature feature)
          adds a feature to the layer
 void FeatureLayer_Impl.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes a display Element from the layer

Uses of Feature in

Fields in declared as Feature
private  Feature RotatedLabel.feature
private  Feature HorizontalLabel.feature
protected  Feature DisplayElement_Impl.feature

Methods in that return Feature
 Feature DisplayElement_Impl.getFeature()
          Returns the associated Feature.

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
static Label LabelFactory.createLabel(java.lang.String caption, java.awt.Font font, java.awt.Color color, java.awt.font.LineMetrics metrics, Feature feature, Halo halo, int x, int y, int w, int h, double rotation, double anchorPointX, double anchorPointY, double displacementX, double displacementY)
static Label LabelFactory.createLabel(java.lang.String caption, java.awt.Font font, java.awt.Color color, java.awt.font.LineMetrics metrics, Feature feature, Halo halo, int x, int y, int w, int h, double rotation, double[] anchorPoint, double[] displacement)
static PointDisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildPointDisplayElement(Feature feature, GM_Object geom, PointSymbolizer sym)
          Creates a PointDisplayElement using the given geometry and style information.
static LineStringDisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildLineStringDisplayElement(Feature feature, GM_Object geom, LineSymbolizer sym)
          Creates a LineStringDisplayElement using the given geometry and style information.
static PolygonDisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildPolygonDisplayElement(Feature feature, GM_Object gmObject, PolygonSymbolizer sym)
          Creates a PolygonDisplayElement using the given geometry and style information.
static LabelDisplayElement DisplayElementFactory.buildLabelDisplayElement(Feature feature, GM_Object gmObject, TextSymbolizer sym)
          Creates a LabelDisplayElement using the given geometry and style information.

Constructors in with parameters of type Feature
RotatedLabel(java.lang.String caption, java.awt.Font font, java.awt.Color color, java.awt.font.LineMetrics metrics, Feature feature, Halo halo, int x, int y, int w, int h, double rotation, double[] anchorPoint, double[] displacement)
PolygonDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Surface geometry)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement_Impl object.
PolygonDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Surface geometry, PolygonSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement_Impl object.
PolygonDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiSurface geometry)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement_Impl object.
PolygonDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiSurface geometry, PolygonSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new PolygonDisplayElement_Impl object.
PointDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Point geometry)
          Creates a new PointDisplayElement_Impl object.
PointDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Point geometry, PointSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new PointDisplayElement_Impl object.
PointDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiPoint geometry)
          Creates a new PointDisplayElement_Impl object.
PointDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiPoint geometry, PointSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new PointDisplayElement_Impl object.
MapDiagram_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiPoint locations, java.awt.Component renderableObject)
          Creates a new MapDiagram_Impl object.
LocalizedDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiPoint geometry, java.awt.Component renderbaleObject)
          Creates a new LocalizedDisplayElement_Impl object.
LineStringDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Curve geometry)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement_Impl object.
LineStringDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Curve geometry, LineSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement_Impl object.
LineStringDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiCurve geometry)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement_Impl object.
LineStringDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_MultiCurve geometry, LineSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new LineStringDisplayElement_Impl object.
LabelDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Object geometry, TextSymbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new LabelDisplayElement_Impl object.
HorizontalLabel(java.lang.String caption, java.awt.Font font, java.awt.Color color, java.awt.font.LineMetrics metrics, Feature feature, Halo halo, int x, int y, int w, int h, double[] anchorPoint, double[] displacement)
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Object geometry)
          Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Object geometry, Symbolizer symbolizer)
          Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
GeometryDisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature, GM_Object geometry, Symbolizer symbolizer, Symbolizer highlightSymbolizer, Symbolizer selectedSymbolizer)
          Creates a new GeometryDisplayElement_Impl object.
DisplayElement_Impl(Feature feature)
          Creates a new DisplayElement_Impl object.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 java.awt.Color Stroke_Impl.getStroke(Feature feature)
          The stroke CssParameter element gives the solid color that will be used for a stroke.
 double Stroke_Impl.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          The stroke-opacity CssParameter element specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the stroke.
 double Stroke_Impl.getWidth(Feature feature)
          The stroke-width CssParameter element gives the absolute width (thickness) of a stroke in pixels encoded as a float.
 int Stroke_Impl.getLineJoin(Feature feature)
          The stroke-linejoin CssParameter element encode enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments).
 int Stroke_Impl.getLineCap(Feature feature)
          Thestroke-linecap CssParameter element encode enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string).
 float[] Stroke_Impl.getDashArray(Feature feature)
          Evaluates the 'stroke-dasharray' parameter as defined in OGC 02-070.
 float Stroke_Impl.getDashOffset(Feature feature)
          The stroke-dashoffset CssParameter element specifies the distance as a float into the stroke-dasharray pattern at which to start drawing.
 double[] PointPlacement_Impl.getAnchorPoint(Feature feature)
          The AnchorPoint element of a PointPlacement gives the location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point.
 double[] PointPlacement_Impl.getDisplacement(Feature feature)
          The Displacement element of a PointPlacement gives the X and Y displacements from the main-geometry point to render a text label.
 double PointPlacement_Impl.getRotation(Feature feature)
          The Rotation of a PointPlacement gives the clockwise rotation of the label in degrees from the normal direction for a font (left-to-right for Latin- derived human languages at least).
 java.lang.String ParameterValueType_Impl.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns the actual String value of this object.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage Mark_Impl.getAsImage(Feature feature, int size)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 double LinePlacement_Impl.getPerpendicularOffset(Feature feature)
          The PerpendicularOffset element of a LinePlacement gives the perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label.
 int LinePlacement_Impl.getPlacementType(Feature feature)
          Returns the placement type (one of the constants defined in LinePlacement).
 double LinePlacement_Impl.getLineWidth(Feature feature)
          Provides the thickness of the styled line (needed as information for the correct positioning of labels above and below the line string).
 int LinePlacement_Impl.getGap(Feature feature)
          Defines the distance between two captions on the line string.
 double Halo_Impl.getRadius(Feature feature)
          The Radius element gives the absolute size of a halo radius in pixels encoded as a floating-point number.
 double Graphic_Impl.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          The Opacity element gives the opacity to use for rendering the graphic.
 double Graphic_Impl.getSize(Feature feature)
          The Size element gives the absolute size of the graphic in pixels encoded as a floating-point number.
 double Graphic_Impl.getRotation(Feature feature)
          The Rotation element gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point in radian, encoded as a floating- point number.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage Graphic_Impl.getAsImage(Feature feature)
          Returns a BufferedImage representing this object.
 java.lang.String Font_Impl.getFamily(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-family'.
 int Font_Impl.getStyle(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-style'.
 int Font_Impl.getWeight(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-weight' as a ParameterValueType.
 int Font_Impl.getSize(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-size'.
 java.awt.Color Font_Impl.getColor(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-color'.
 java.awt.Color Fill_Impl.getFill(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the fill's CssParameter 'fill'.
 double Fill_Impl.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the fill's CssParameter 'fill-opacity'.
 java.lang.String CssParameter_Impl.getValue(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the CssParameter as a simple String.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.readObject( mifReader, midReader)
          Reads a single MIF Object (Point, Line, Region, etc.) as a Feature
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.readPointObject( mifReader, midReader)
          Reads Point information from the MIF stream
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.readLineObject( mifReader, midReader)
          Reads Line information from the MIF stream
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.readPLineObject( mifReader, midReader)
          Reads Multi-Line (PLine) information from the MIF stream
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.readRegionObject( mifReader, midReader)
          Reads Region (Polygon) information from the MIF stream
private  Feature MapInfoDataSource.buildFeature(FeatureType featureType, Geometry geom, java.util.ArrayList attribs)
          Builds a complete Feature object using the given FeatureType, with the Geometry geom, and the given attributes.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
 Feature ShapeFile.getFeatureByRecNo(int RecNo)
          returns the RecNo'th entry of the shape file as Feature.
 Feature DBaseFile.getFRow(int rowNo)
          returns a row of the dBase-file as Feature containing a place holder (field name = "GEOM") for a geometry.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree_impl.model.feature

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.feature that implement Feature
 class Feature_Impl
          Features are, according to the Abstract Specification, digital representations of real world entities.
(package private)  class FeatureCollection_Impl
          This interface provides services for the management of groups of features.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature that return Feature
private static Feature GMLFeatureAdapter.createFeature(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates an instance of a deegree feature from a contrete gml:_Feature node
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(java.lang.String id, FeatureType featureType, java.lang.Object[] properties)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and an array of Objects that represents it properties.
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(java.lang.String id, FeatureType featureType, FeatureProperty[] properties)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and an array of Objects that represents it properties.
static Feature FeatureFactory.createFeature(GMLFeature gmlFeature)
          creates an instance of a Feature from its FeatureType and a GMLFeature that contains the features data.
 Feature[] FeatureCollection_Impl.getAllFeatures()
          returns an array of all features
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.getFeature(int index)
          returns the feature that is assigned to the submitted index.
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.getFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature that is assigned to the submitted id.
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.removeFeature(int index)
          removes a feature identified by its index (row) from the the feature collection.
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes the submitted feature from the collection
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.removeFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          removes the feature that is assigned to the submitted id.

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature with parameters of type Feature
private static void GMLFeatureAdapter.openRootElement(Feature feature, java.util.Map namespaces, java.util.Map prefixes, java.util.Map schemaRef, pw)
          Opens a PrintWriter from the passed OutputStream and writes the XML header and the opening root element of the GML document to it
static void GMLFeatureAdapter.export(Feature feature, java.util.Map prefixes, pw)
          exports a Feature to the passed PrintWriter
static FeatureCollection FeatureFactory.createFeatureCollection(java.lang.String id, Feature[] features)
          creates an instance of a FeatureCollection from an array of Features.
 Feature FeatureCollection_Impl.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes the submitted feature from the collection
 void FeatureCollection_Impl.appendFeature(Feature feature)
          Appends a feature to the collection.
 void FeatureCollection_Impl.appendFeatures(Feature[] features)

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.feature with parameters of type Feature
FeatureCollection_Impl(java.lang.String id, Feature[] feature)
          constructor for initializing a featur collection with an id and an array of features.

Uses of Feature in

Classes in that implement Feature
 class SI_LocationInstance_Impl

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature GazetteerService_Impl.recreateFeature(Feature feature, java.lang.String[] propertyNames, boolean leaf)
          creates a new feature by adding a property named 'children' that will contain all children of the passed feature.

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
private  Node GazetteerService_Impl.appendChild(java.lang.String id, SI_LocationType locType, Feature feature)
          appends a child node to the node identified by the passed ID
private  Feature GazetteerService_Impl.recreateFeature(Feature feature, java.lang.String[] propertyNames, boolean leaf)
          creates a new feature by adding a property named 'children' that will contain all children of the passed feature.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature[] BNADataStore.CGetFeature.getFeatures(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, int startPosition, int maxFeatures)
          reads features from a bna file
private  Feature BNADataStore.CGetFeature.createFeature(BNAFeature bnafeature, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a Feature from a BNAFeature

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature PropertyName.findFeature(Feature rootfeat, java.lang.String name)
          Method getNames

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 GM_Object SpatialOperation.getGeometryProperty(Feature feature)
          Returns the geometry property used in the operation and one concrete feature.
 boolean SpatialOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the SpatialOperation's logical value based on the property values of the given Feature.
 java.lang.Object PropertyName.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns the PropertyName's value (to be used in the evaluation of a complexer Expression).
private  java.lang.Object PropertyName.getProperty(Feature feature, java.lang.String value)
          Method getProperty
private  Feature PropertyName.findFeature(Feature rootfeat, java.lang.String name)
          Method getNames
 boolean PropertyIsNullOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the PropertyIsNull-Operation's logical value based on the certain property values of the given Feature.
 boolean PropertyIsLikeOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the PropertyIsLike's logical value based on the certain property values of the given Feature.
 boolean PropertyIsCOMPOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the ComparisonOperation's logical value based on the certain property values of the given Feature.
 boolean PropertyIsBetweenOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the PropertyIsBetween-Operation's logical value based on the certain property values of the given Feature.
 boolean LogicalOperation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the LogicalOperation's logical value based on the certain property values of the given Feature.
 java.lang.Object Literal.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns the Literal's value (to be used in the evaluation of a complexer Expression).
 java.lang.Object Function.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns the Function's value (to be used in the evaluation of a complexer Expression).
 boolean FeatureFilter.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the FeatureFilter's logical value based on the ID of the given Feature.
 boolean FalseFilter.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the Filter's logical value (false).
 boolean ComplexFilter.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the Filter's logical value based on the certain property values of the given feature.
 java.lang.Object ArithmeticExpression.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns this ArithmeticExpression/tt>'s value (to be used in the evaluation of complex Expressions).

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature[] MapInfoDataStore.CGetFeature.getFeatures(WFSQuery query, int startPosition, int maxFeatures)
          Collects the Features from the shape file that match the given Filter.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature[] SDEDataStore.CGetFeature.getFeatures(WFSQuery query, GM_Object[] deegree_gm_obj, Table table, int startPosition, int maxFeatures)
          reads features from a shape file

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
private  Feature ShapeDataStore.recreateFeature(Feature feature, FeatureType featureType)
          recreates the passed org.deegree.model.feature.Feature by performing a mapping between shapefile/dbase property names and user defined property names.
private  Feature[] ShapeDataStore.CGetFeature.getFeatures(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, int startPosition, int maxFeatures)
          Collects the Features from the shape file that match the given Filter.

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
private  Feature ShapeDataStore.recreateFeature(Feature feature, FeatureType featureType)
          recreates the passed org.deegree.model.feature.Feature by performing a mapping between shapefile/dbase property names and user defined property names.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
 Feature FeatureLayer.getFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted id
 Feature[] FeatureLayer.getFeaturesById(java.lang.String[] id)
          returns all features that matches the submitted ids
 Feature FeatureLayer.getFeature(int index)
          returns the feature that matches the submitted id
 Feature[] FeatureLayer.getAllFeatures()
          returns all features

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 void Highlighter.highlight(Feature feature)
          highlight the submitted feature.
 void FeatureLayer.addFeature(Feature feature)
          adds a feature to the layer
 void FeatureLayer.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes a display Element from the layer

Uses of Feature in

Methods in that return Feature
 Feature DisplayElement.getFeature()
          Returns the associated Feature.

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 java.awt.Color Stroke.getStroke(Feature feature)
          The stroke CssParameter element gives the solid color that will be used for a stroke.
 double Stroke.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          The stroke-opacity CssParameter element specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the stroke.
 double Stroke.getWidth(Feature feature)
          The stroke-width CssParameter element gives the absolute width (thickness) of a stroke in pixels encoded as a float.
 int Stroke.getLineJoin(Feature feature)
          The stroke-linejoin CssParameter element encode enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments).
 int Stroke.getLineCap(Feature feature)
          Thestroke-linecap CssParameter element encode enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string).
 float[] Stroke.getDashArray(Feature feature)
          The stroke-dasharray CssParameter element encodes a dash pattern as a series of space separated floats.
 float Stroke.getDashOffset(Feature feature)
          The stroke-dashoffset CssParameter element specifies the distance as a float into the stroke-dasharray pattern at which to start drawing.
 double[] PointPlacement.getAnchorPoint(Feature feature)
          The AnchorPoint element of a PointPlacement gives the location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point.
 double[] PointPlacement.getDisplacement(Feature feature)
          The Displacement element of a PointPlacement gives the X and Y displacements from the main-geometry point to render a text label.
 double PointPlacement.getRotation(Feature feature)
          The Rotation of a PointPlacement gives the clockwise rotation of the label in degrees from the normal direction for a font (left-to-right for Latin- derived human languages at least).
 java.lang.String ParameterValueType.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Returns the actual String value of this object.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage Mark.getAsImage(Feature feature, int size)
          Returns the mark as an image.
 double LinePlacement.getPerpendicularOffset(Feature feature)
          The PerpendicularOffset element of a LinePlacement gives the perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label.
 int LinePlacement.getPlacementType(Feature feature)
          Returns the placement type (one of the constants defined in LinePlacement).
 double LinePlacement.getLineWidth(Feature feature)
          Provides the thickness of the styled line (needed as information for the correct positioning of labels above and below the line string).
 int LinePlacement.getGap(Feature feature)
          Defines the distance between two captions on the line string.
 double Halo.getRadius(Feature feature)
          The Radius element gives the absolute size of a halo radius in pixels encoded as a floating-point number.
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage Graphic.getAsImage(Feature feature)
          Returns a BufferedImage representing this object.
 double Graphic.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          The Opacity element gives the opacity of to use for rendering the graphic.
 double Graphic.getSize(Feature feature)
          The Size element gives the absolute size of the graphic in pixels encoded as a floating-point number.
 double Graphic.getRotation(Feature feature)
          The Rotation element gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point in radian, encoded as a floating- point number.
 java.lang.String Font.getFamily(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-family'.
 int Font.getStyle(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-style'.
 int Font.getWeight(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-weight' as a ParameterValueType.
 int Font.getSize(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-size'.
 java.awt.Color Font.getColor(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the font's CssParameter 'font-color'.
 java.awt.Color Fill.getFill(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the fill's CssParameter 'fill'.
 double Fill.getOpacity(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the fill's CssParameter 'fill-opacity'.
 java.lang.String CssParameter.getValue(Feature feature)
          Returns the (evaluated) value of the CssParameter as a simple String.

Uses of Feature in org.deegree.model.feature

Subinterfaces of Feature in org.deegree.model.feature
 interface FeatureCollection

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature that return Feature
 Feature FeatureCollection.getFeature(int index)
          returns the feature at the submitted index
 Feature FeatureCollection.getFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          returns the feature identified by it's id
 Feature[] FeatureCollection.getAllFeatures()
          returns an array of all features
 Feature FeatureCollection.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes the submitted feature from the collection
 Feature FeatureCollection.removeFeature(int index)
          removes the feature at the submitted index from the collection
 Feature FeatureCollection.removeFeatureById(java.lang.String id)
          removes the feature that is assigned to the submitted id.

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature with parameters of type Feature
 void FeatureCollection.appendFeature(Feature feature)
          adds a feature to the collection
 void FeatureCollection.appendFeatures(Feature[] feature)
          adds a list of features to the collection
 Feature FeatureCollection.removeFeature(Feature feature)
          removes the submitted feature from the collection

Uses of Feature in

Methods in with parameters of type Feature
 boolean Operation.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the Filter's logical value based on the certain property values of the given feature.
 boolean Filter.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the Filter's logical value based on the certain property values of the given feature.
 java.lang.Object Expression.evaluate(Feature feature)
          Calculates the Expression's value based on the certain property values of the given feature.