Interface GM_GenericSurface

All Known Subinterfaces:
GM_Polygon, GM_Surface, GM_SurfacePatch
All Known Implementing Classes:
GM_Polygon_Impl, GM_Surface_Impl, GM_SurfacePatch_Impl

public interface GM_GenericSurface

The interface defines the basis of surfaces and surface patches


$Revision: $ $Date: 2002/09/25 16:01:49 $

Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 double getArea()
          The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
 GM_Envelope getEnvelope()
          returns the bounding box of the surface
 double getPerimeter()
          returns the length of all boundaries of the surface in a reference system appropriate for measuring distances.

Method Detail


public double getPerimeter()
returns the length of all boundaries of the surface in a reference system appropriate for measuring distances.


public double getArea()
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface. The area of a 2 dimensional geometric object shall be a numeric measure of its surface area Since area is an accumulation (integral) of the product of two distances, its return value shall be in a unit of measure appropriate for measuring distances squared.


public GM_Envelope getEnvelope()
returns the bounding box of the surface