Interface GM_SurfacePatch

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public interface GM_SurfacePatch
extends GM_GenericSurface

Defining the iso geometry GM_SurfacePatch which is used for building surfaces. A surface patch is made of one exterior ring and 0..n interior rings. By definition there can't be a surface patch with no exterior ring. A polygon is a specialized surface patch. -----------------------------------------------------

$Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2004/02/09 07:57:02 $
Andreas Poth

Method Summary
 boolean contains(GM_Object gmo)
          The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains another GM_Object.
 double getArea()
          The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface.
 GM_Point getCentroid()
          The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object.
 CS_CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem()
          returns the coordinate system of the surface patch
 GM_Position[] getExteriorRing()
          returns the exterior ring of the surface
 GM_Position[][] getInteriorRings()
          returns the interior rings of the surface
 GM_SurfaceInterpolation getInterpolation()
          The interpolation determines the surface interpolation mechanism used for this GM_SurfacePatch.
 boolean intersects(GM_Object gmo)
          The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object intersects another GM_Object.
Methods inherited from interface org.deegree.model.geometry.GM_GenericSurface
getEnvelope, getPerimeter

Method Detail


public GM_SurfaceInterpolation getInterpolation()
The interpolation determines the surface interpolation mechanism used for this GM_SurfacePatch. This mechanism uses the control points and control parameters defined in the various subclasses to determine the position of this GM_ SurfacePatch.


public GM_Position[] getExteriorRing()
returns the exterior ring of the surface


public GM_Position[][] getInteriorRings()
returns the interior rings of the surface


public CS_CoordinateSystem getCoordinateSystem()
returns the coordinate system of the surface patch


public boolean intersects(GM_Object gmo)
The Boolean valued operation "intersects" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object intersects another GM_Object. Within a GM_Complex, the GM_Primitives do not intersect one another. In general, topologically structured data uses shared geometric objects to capture intersection information.


public boolean contains(GM_Object gmo)
The Boolean valued operation "contains" shall return TRUE if this GM_Object contains another GM_Object.


public GM_Point getCentroid()
The operation "centroid" shall return the mathematical centroid for this GM_Object. The result is not guaranteed to be on the object.


public double getArea()
The operation "area" shall return the area of this GM_GenericSurface. The area of a 2 dimensional geometric object shall be a numeric measure of its surface area Since area is an accumulation (integral) of the product of two distances, its return value shall be in a unit of measure appropriate for measuring distances squared.

Specified by:
getArea in interface GM_GenericSurface