Uses of Interface

Packages that use GM_Boundary

Uses of GM_Boundary in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that implement GM_Boundary
(package private)  class GM_Boundary_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_Boundary interface.
(package private)  class GM_CurveBoundary_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_CurveBoundary interface from package jago.model.
(package private)  class GM_PrimitiveBoundary_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_PrimitiveBoundary interface.
(package private)  class GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_SurfaceBoundary interface

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry declared as GM_Boundary
protected  GM_Boundary GM_Object_Impl.boundary

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that return GM_Boundary
 GM_Boundary GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl.getBoundary()
          returns the boundary of the boundary
 GM_Boundary GM_Object_Impl.getBoundary()
          returns the boundary of the surface as general boundary
 GM_Boundary GM_MultiCurve_Impl.getBoundary()
          returns the boundary of the MultiCurve not implemented yet

Uses of GM_Boundary in org.deegree.model.geometry

Subinterfaces of GM_Boundary in org.deegree.model.geometry
 interface GM_ComplexBoundary
 interface GM_CurveBoundary
          The interface defines the access to curve boundaries -----------------------------------------------------
 interface GM_PrimitiveBoundary
          A GM_PrimitiveBoundary is the basic boundary for all none complex geometries.
 interface GM_SolidBoundary
 interface GM_SurfaceBoundary
          Defining the boundary of a surface.

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry that return GM_Boundary
 GM_Boundary GM_Object.getBoundary()
          returns the boundary of a geometry