Uses of Interface

Packages that use GM_OrientablePrimitive

Uses of GM_OrientablePrimitive in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that implement GM_OrientablePrimitive
(package private)  class GM_Curve_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_Curve interface from package jago.model
(package private)  class GM_OrientableCurve_Impl
          default implementierung of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated curves ------------------------------------------------------------
(package private)  class GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because it doesn't make sense to instantiate it.
(package private)  class GM_OrientableSurface_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_OrientableSurface interface from package jago.model. the implementation is abstract because only initialization of the spatial reference system is unique to all orientated surfaces -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 class GM_Ring_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_Ring interface of the -----------------------------------------------------------------------
(package private)  class GM_Surface_Impl
          default implementation of the GM_Surface interface from package jago.model.

Uses of GM_OrientablePrimitive in org.deegree.model.geometry

Subinterfaces of GM_OrientablePrimitive in org.deegree.model.geometry
 interface GM_CompositeCurve
 interface GM_CompositeSurface
 interface GM_Curve
          The interface defines the access to curve geometries.
 interface GM_OrientableCurve
          The specialisation of the GM_OrientablePrimitive as a curve.
 interface GM_OrientableSurface
 interface GM_Ring
          defining a ring geometry that's part of a surface boundary ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 interface GM_Shell
 interface GM_Surface
          Defining the surface geometry of the iso geometry model. a surface is made of 1..n surface patches. for convention it is defined that GM_Surface is a closed geometry. that means each surface patch a surface is made of must touch at least one other surface patch if a surface is made of more then one surface patch -----------------------------------------------------