Uses of Interface

Packages that use OGCWebServiceEvent   

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Classes in that implement OGCWebServiceEvent
 class OGCWebServiceEvent_Impl
          This is the defining interface for event objects that contains a request, a response that should be made available for a service.

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 boolean AbstractHandler.fireRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          fires a request by notifiy all interested (responsible) Handler If for minimum one Handler was found that is responsible the method returns true otherwise false will be returned.
 boolean AbstractHandler.fireResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          fires a response by notifiy all interested (responsible) Handler If for minimum one Handler was found that is responsible the method returns true otherwise false will be returned.

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Fields in declared as OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GazetteerService_Impl.event

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void GazetteerService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService_Impl class.
private  void GazetteerService_Impl.handleGetFeatureResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent wse)
          handles a response to a GetFeature request by informing the controller about the received response and creating a list of new GetFeature requests for the next hierarchy level if the last hierarchy level hasn't been reached.

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in that return OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent[] WCASService_Impl.transformToWFSRequest(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          transforms a CASRequest to one or more WFS requests
private  OGCWebServiceEvent[] WCASService_Impl.transformGetRecord(CASGetRecordRequest request)
          transforms a getRecord request to one or more getFeature requests and encapsulates them into one or more OGCWebServiceEvents
private  OGCWebServiceEvent[] WCASService_Impl.transformDescribeRecordType(CASDescribeRecordTypeRequest request)
          transforms a describeRecordType request to one describeFeatureType request and encapsulates it into one OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent[] WCASService_Impl.transformTransaction(CASTransactionRequest request)
          transforms a (WCAS) transaction request to one (WFS) transaction request and encapsulates it into one OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent[] WCASService_Impl.transformRegisterService(CASRegisterServiceRequest request)
          performs a registerService request. this will be done by requesting the service describing XML document from the specified address and transforming it into one or more (WFS) transaction requests encapsulated into one or more OGCWebServiceEvents.

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WCASService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface.
 void WCASService_Impl.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void WCASService_Impl.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean WCASService_Impl.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in that return OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleGetCoverage(WCSGetCoverageRequest request)
          performs a GetMap request against the remote service.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleDescribeCoverageLayer(WCSDescribeCoverageLayerRequest request)
          reads feature infos from the remote WCS by performing a FeatureInfo request against it.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleGetCapabilities(WCSGetCapabilitiesRequest request)
          reads the capabilities from the remote WCS by performing a GetCapabilities request against it.

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WCService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 void WCService_Impl.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
private  WCSGetCoverageResponse WCService_Impl.handleGetCoverageRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          handles a GetCoverage request
 void WCService_Impl.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean WCService_Impl.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void RemoteWCService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WCTService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface via WCTService.
 void TransformHandler.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void TransformHandler.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean TransformHandler.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void IsTransformableHandler.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void IsTransformableHandler.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean IsTransformableHandler.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void DescribeTransformationHandler.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void DescribeTransformationHandler.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean DescribeTransformationHandler.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void CapabilitiesHandler.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void CapabilitiesHandler.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean CapabilitiesHandler.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in that return OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWFService.handleLockFeature(WFSLockFeatureRequest request)
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWFService.handleTransaction(WFSTransactionRequest request)

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WFSService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface via WFSService.
 void WFSService_Impl.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 boolean WFSService_Impl.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void WFSService_Impl.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          receives the response from the WFSDispatcher.
 void RemoteWFService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 void Dispatcher_Impl.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          recieves a request that should be performed by the Dispatcher.
 void Dispatcher_Impl.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          recieves the response to a request that been performed by the Dispatcher.The Dispatcher will analyse the response and notify the responsible methods/classes.
 boolean Dispatcher_Impl.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 boolean AbstractDataStore.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event
 void AbstractDataStore.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the handleRequest(..)
 void AbstractDataStore.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
protected  void AbstractDataStore.fireResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          notifies the registered WFSResponseListener that the peromance of request has been finished and submits the result.

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in that return OGCWebServiceEvent
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.createGetFeatureRequest(DataSource ds)
          creates a getFeature request considering the getMap request and the filterconditions defined in the submitted DataSource object.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.createGetCoverageRequest(DataSource ds)
          creates a getCoverage request considering the getMap request and the filterconditions defined in the submitted DataSource object The request will be encapsualted within a OGCWebServiceEvent.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetMapHandler_Impl.ServiceInvokerForNL.createGetMapRequest(DataSource ds)
          creates a getMap request for requesting a cascaded remote WMS considering the getMap request and the filterconditions defined in the submitted DataSource object The request will be encapsualted within a OGCWebServiceEvent.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.createGetFeatureRequest(DataSource ds)
          creates a getFeature request considering the getMap request and the filterconditions defined in the submitted DataSource object.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.createDescribeCoverageRequest(DataSource ds)
          creates a describe Coverage request The request will be encapsualted within a OGCWebServiceEvent.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.createGetFeatureInfo(DataSource ds)
          creates a GetFeatureInfo request for requesting a cascaded remote WMS The request will be encapsualted within a OGCWebServiceEvent.

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WMService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          receives a WMS request and deligates it to the responsible handle-methods
 void RemoteWMService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void WTService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)

Uses of OGCWebServiceEvent in

Methods in with parameters of type OGCWebServiceEvent
 void OGCWebService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          the implementation of this method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent in an new own Thread.
 void Handler.handleRequest(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          handles a request against an OGC web service
 void Handler.handleResponse(OGCWebServiceEvent response)
          handles the response of an OGC web service
 boolean Handler.isInterested(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          returns true if the handler is interested in a event