Interface WTSGetViewRequest

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public interface WTSGetViewRequest
extends OGCWebServiceRequest

This interface describes the access to the parameters of a GetView request.

Even it is possible to access the values of a HTTP GET request throught their bean accessor methods the request shall be mapped to a SLD data structure that is accessible using the getSLD().


Andreas Poth

Nested Class Summary
static interface WTSGetViewRequest.Layer
Method Summary
 double getAOV()
          returns the angle representing the breadth of landscape in the viewer's scene.
 java.lang.Object[] getAtmosphericParameters()
          retruns a list of atmospheric paramteres to be considered for rendering
 java.lang.Object getBackground()
          returns the Color, Image or Shape to fill the scene background
 java.awt.Color getBGColor()
          The optional BGCOLOR parameter specifies the color to be used as the background of the map.
 java.util.Calendar getDate()
          returns the date/time for which a scene shall be rendered
 double getDistance()
          Distance between the viewer and the POI in meters.
 java.lang.String[] getElevationModels()
          returns a list of the DEMs to be used
 java.lang.String getExceptions()
          The optional EXCEPTIONS parameter states the manner in which errors are to be reported to the client.
 WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] getFeatureCollections()
          returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene.
 StyledLayerDescriptor getFeatureCollectionsAsSLD()
          returns a list of named Faetuter collections and associated styles to put into the scene as a SLD-document.
 java.lang.String getFormat()
          The FORMAT parameter specifies the output format of the response to an operation.
 int getHeight()
          HEIGHT specifies the number of pixels between the minimum and maximum Y values.
 WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] getLayers()
          The required LAYERS parameter lists the map layer(s) to be returned by this GetMap request.
 java.lang.Object[] getLight()
          returns descriptions of light sources in addtion to the sun
 java.lang.Object getMaterial()
          returns the material behavior of the DEM and features
 double getPitch()
          returns Angle of inclination
 GM_Position getPointOfInterest()
          The POI (Point of Interest) parameter defines the x, y, z point in SRS units.
 double getScale()
          returns the scale of the DEM. 1 = original scale, > 1 make DEM higher < 1 make DEM lower
 java.lang.String getSrs()
          The required SRS parameter states which Spatial Reference System applies to the values in the BBOX parameter.
 StyledLayerDescriptor getStyledLayerDescriptor()
          returns the SLD the request is made of.
 GM_Object getTrajectory()
          returns the trajectory of the camera movement through the scene. getWFS_URL()
          URL of Web Feature Service providing features to be symbolized using SLD.
 int getWidth()
          WIDTH specifies the number of pixels to be used between the minimum and maximum X values (inclusive) in the BBOX parameter.
 double getYAW()
          returns the azimuth angle
Methods inherited from interface
getId, getRequest, getRequestParameter, getService, getVendorSpecificParameter, getVendorSpecificParameters, getVersion

Method Detail


public double getAOV()
returns the angle representing the breadth of landscape in the viewer's scene. The AOV (Angle of View) parameter defines the angle representing the breadth of landscape in the viewer's scene


public double getDistance()
Distance between the viewer and the POI in meters. The DISTANCE parameter defines the distance between the viewer and the POI in meters. This implies that setting DISTANCE = zero will make the POI coincident with the viewer.


public double getYAW()
returns the azimuth angle


public double getPitch()
returns Angle of inclination


public GM_Position getPointOfInterest()
The POI (Point of Interest) parameter defines the x, y, z point in SRS units.


public java.lang.String getFormat()
The FORMAT parameter specifies the output format of the response to an operation.

An OGC Web Service may offer only a subset of the formats known for that type of operation, but the server shall advertise in its Capabilities XML those formats it does support and shall accept requests for any format it advertises. A Service Instance may optionally offer a new format not previously offered by other instances, with the recognition that clients are not required to accept or process an unknown format. If a request contains a Format not offered by a particular server, the server shall throw a Service Exception (with code "InvalidFormat").


public WTSGetViewRequest.Layer[] getLayers()
The required LAYERS parameter lists the map layer(s) to be returned by this GetMap request. The value of the LAYERS parameter is a comma-separated list of one or more valid layer names. Allowed layer names are the character data content of any element in the Capabilities XML.

A WMS shall render the requested layers by drawing the leftmost in the list bottommost, the next one over that, and so on.

Each layer is associated to a style. Styles are also is encoded as a comma- seperated list within the GetMap request.

The required STYLES parameter lists the style in which each layer is to be rendered. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the values in the LAYERS parameter and the values in the STYLES parameter. Because of this layer-style combinations are returned coupled within an array of Layer- objects. Each map in the list of LAYERS is drawn using the corresponding style in the same position in the list of STYLES. Each style Name shall be one that was defined in the element of a