Class WTSScene_Impl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WTSScene_Impl
extends java.lang.Object
implements WTSScene

The WTSScene_Impl represents the basic class for creation of a 3D terrain model in the sense of the OGC Web Terrain Service specification. A WTS scene is defined by a terrain model and a date determining the light condions. Additional elements are 3D or 2.5D-features that are placed into the scene, atmospheric conditions influencing the light and visibility (e.g. fog, rain etc.) and additional light placed into the scene (e.g. street lights, spots, lighted windows etc.).


$Revision: 1.12 $ $Date: 2004/04/27 15:40:39 $
Katharina Lupp, Andreas Poth

Field Summary
private  java.lang.Object background
private  java.util.Calendar calendar
private  java.util.ArrayList conditions
private  GM_Envelope envelope
private  java.util.ArrayList feature
private  java.util.ArrayList lights
private  java.util.ArrayList terrain
private  ViewPoint viewPoint
Constructor Summary
WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain, Group[] feature, ViewPoint viewPoint)
          Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl
WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain, Group[] feature, ViewPoint viewPoint, java.util.Calendar calendar)
          Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl
WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain, Group[] feature, ViewPoint viewPoint, java.util.Calendar calendar, AtmosphericCondition[] conditions)
          Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl
WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain, Group[] feature, ViewPoint viewPoint, java.util.Calendar calendar, AtmosphericCondition[] conditions, Light[] lights)
          Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl
WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain, Group[] feature, ViewPoint viewPoint, java.util.Calendar calendar, AtmosphericCondition[] conditions, Light[] lights, java.lang.Object background)
          Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl
Method Summary
 void addAtmosphericCondition(AtmosphericCondition condition)
          adds a atmospheric condition to the scene.
 void addFeature(Group feature)
          adds a feature that shall be rendered. the first feature to be set shall be the digital elevation model
 void addLight(Light light)
          adds a light to the scene. this can be ambient, directional and point light.
private  void createDayLight()
          creates the light that results from the sun (direct light) and the ambient of the sky.
 AtmosphericCondition[] getAtmosphericConditions()
          gets the atmospheric conditions for the rendering.
 GM_Position[] getBackFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data
 java.lang.Object getBackground()
          returns the background object of the scene. this may be a Background, a Shape3D or null if no background is defined.
 java.util.Calendar getDate()
          get the date and the time for determining time depending the light conditions of the scene
 GM_Envelope getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope od the scene.
 Group[] getFeatures()
          returns the <Format> element
 GM_Position[] getFrontBorderFrame()
          returns the four corner coordinates of frame the viewer sees next to him and that contains data
 Light[] getLights()
          returns the lights of the scene
 Shape3D[] getTerrain()
          returns the features that constructs the terrain model of the scene
 ViewPoint getViewPoint()
          gets the position of the viewer, the directions he looks and his field of view in radians
 void setAtmosphericConditions(AtmosphericCondition[] conditions)
          sets the atmospheric conditions for the rendering. e.g. if a clear day (maybe summer late morning) is assumed there will be very sharp shadows. if vice versa a cloudy day (let's say autumn late afternoon) with some poor rain and a bit fog is assumed there won't be sharp shadows but some kind of 'gray curtain' over the scene.
 void setBackground(Background background)
          sets the Background object of the scene
 void setDate(java.util.Calendar calendar)
          set the date and the time for determining time depending the light conditions of the scene
 void setFeatures(Group[] features)
          sets the features that shall be rendered. the first feature of the array shall be the digital elevation model
 void setLights(Light[] lights)
          sets the lights of the scene. this can be ambient, directional and point light.
 void setTerrain(Shape3D feature)
          sets the terrain of the WTS-Scene as Shape3D object containing an appearence
 void setViewPoint(ViewPoint viewPoint)
          defines the position of the viewer and the point he looks at.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.util.Calendar calendar


private java.util.ArrayList conditions


private java.util.ArrayList feature


private java.util.ArrayList terrain


private java.util.ArrayList lights


private ViewPoint viewPoint


private java.lang.Object background


private GM_Envelope envelope
Constructor Detail


public WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain,
                     Group[] feature,
                     ViewPoint viewPoint)
Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl

terrain - Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.
feature - feature that shall be published in the scene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at


public WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain,
                     Group[] feature,
                     ViewPoint viewPoint,
                     java.util.Calendar calendar)
Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl

terrain - Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.
feature - feature that shall be published in the scene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at
calendar - describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions


public WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain,
                     Group[] feature,
                     ViewPoint viewPoint,
                     java.util.Calendar calendar,
                     AtmosphericCondition[] conditions)
Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl

terrain - Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.
feature - feature that shall be published in the scene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at
calendar - describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions
conditions - atmospheric conditions like fog, dust, rain etc. of the scene


public WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain,
                     Group[] feature,
                     ViewPoint viewPoint,
                     java.util.Calendar calendar,
                     AtmosphericCondition[] conditions,
                     Light[] lights)
Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl

terrain - Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.
feature - feature that shall be published in the scene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at
calendar - describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions
conditions - atmospheric conditions like fog, dust, rain etc. of the scene
lights - lights in addition to sun and ambient light (e.g. street lights, spots etc.)


public WTSScene_Impl(Shape3D[] terrain,
                     Group[] feature,
                     ViewPoint viewPoint,
                     java.util.Calendar calendar,
                     AtmosphericCondition[] conditions,
                     Light[] lights,
                     java.lang.Object background)
Creates a new instance of WTSScene_Impl

terrain - Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.
feature - feature that shall be published in the scene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at
calendar - describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions
conditions - atmospheric conditions like fog, dust, rain etc. of the scene
lights - lights in addition to sun and ambient light (e.g. street lights, spots etc.)
background - scene background; have to be a Shape3D or a Background
Method Detail


private void createDayLight()
creates the light that results from the sun (direct light) and the ambient of the sky.


public Group[] getFeatures()
returns the <Format> element

Specified by:
getFeatures in interface WTSScene
the features published into the scene


public void setFeatures(Group[] features)
sets the features that shall be rendered. the first feature of the array shall be the digital elevation model

Specified by:
setFeatures in interface WTSScene
features - features to publish into the scene


public void addFeature(Group feature)
adds a feature that shall be rendered. the first feature to be set shall be the digital elevation model

Specified by:
addFeature in interface WTSScene
feature - feature to publish into the scene


public java.lang.Object getBackground()
returns the background object of the scene. this may be a Background, a Shape3D or null if no background is defined.

Specified by:
getBackground in interface WTSScene


public void setBackground(Background background)
sets the Background object of the scene

Specified by:
setBackground in interface WTSScene


public AtmosphericCondition[] getAtmosphericConditions()
gets the atmospheric conditions for the rendering.

Specified by:
getAtmosphericConditions in interface WTSScene
atmospheric conditions of the scene


public void setAtmosphericConditions(AtmosphericCondition[] conditions)
sets the atmospheric conditions for the rendering. e.g. if a clear day (maybe summer late morning) is assumed there will be very sharp shadows. if vice versa a cloudy day (let's say autumn late afternoon) with some poor rain and a bit fog is assumed there won't be sharp shadows but some kind of 'gray curtain' over the scene.

at the moment it isn't specified how to define atmospheric conditions in a standarized form so just an Object is submitted to the method.

Specified by:
setAtmosphericConditions in interface WTSScene
conditions - atmospheric conditions of the scene like fog, rain etc.


public void addAtmosphericCondition(AtmosphericCondition condition)
adds a atmospheric condition to the scene.

Specified by:
addAtmosphericCondition in interface WTSScene
condition - atmospheric conditions of the scene like fog, rain etc.
See Also:


public java.util.Calendar getDate()
get the date and the time for determining time depending the light conditions of the scene

Specified by:
getDate in interface WTSScene
describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions


public void setDate(java.util.Calendar calendar)
set the date and the time for determining time depending the light conditions of the scene

Specified by:
setDate in interface WTSScene
calendar - describtion of the date and time for which the scene shall be rendered --> light conditions


public void setTerrain(Shape3D feature)
sets the terrain of the WTS-Scene as Shape3D object containing an appearence

Specified by:
setTerrain in interface WTSScene
feature - Shape3D object representing the scenes terrain.


public Shape3D[] getTerrain()
returns the features that constructs the terrain model of the scene

Specified by:
getTerrain in interface WTSScene
Shape3D object(s) representing the scenes terrain.


public ViewPoint getViewPoint()
gets the position of the viewer, the directions he looks and his field of view in radians

Specified by:
getViewPoint in interface WTSScene
object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at


public void setViewPoint(ViewPoint viewPoint)
defines the position of the viewer and the point he looks at.

Specified by:
setViewPoint in interface WTSScene
viewPoint - object that describes the viewers position and the point he looks at


public void addLight(Light light)
adds a light to the scene. this can be ambient, directional and point light.

Specified by:
addLight in interface WTSScene
light - a light in addition to sun and basic ambient light (e.g. street lights, spots etc.)


public Light[] getLights()
returns the lights of the scene

Specified by:
getLights in interface WTSScene
lights including sun and basic ambient light (e.g. street lights, spots etc.)


public void setLights(Light[] lights)
sets the lights of the scene. this can be ambient, directional and point light.

Specified by:
setLights in interface WTSScene
lights - lights in addition to sun and basic ambient light (e.g. street lights, spots etc.)


public GM_Envelope getEnvelope()
returns the envelope od the scene.

Specified by:
getEnvelope in interface WTSScene


public GM_Position[] getFrontBorderFrame()
returns the four corner coordinates of frame the viewer sees next to him and that contains data

Specified by:
getFrontBorderFrame in interface WTSScene


public GM_Position[] getBackFrame()
returns the four corner coordinates of farest frame the viewer sees and that contains data

Specified by:
getBackFrame in interface WTSScene