Uses of Interface

Packages that use GM_Envelope

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope CSWClientConfiguration.rootBoundingBox

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.configuration that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope CSWClientConfiguration.getRootBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box of the maximum area that shall be searched for (meta)data.

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope OverviewMetadataListener.bbox
private  GM_Envelope DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate.bbox
protected  GM_Envelope DetailedSearchListener.bbox

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control that return GM_Envelope
protected  GM_Envelope TakeSearchBoxListener.validateRequest(RPCWebEvent event)
          validates the request to be performed.
private  GM_Envelope TakeSearchBoxListener.calcualteSearchBox(WMSGetMapRequest gmr, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy)
private  GM_Envelope MapViewListener.calcBoundingBox(RPCWebEvent event)
          calculates the common bounding box of all submitted boxes and returns it in the coordinate reference system of the dataset
private  GM_Envelope DownloadListener.extractBoundinbox(RPCStruct bboxStruct)
          extracts a bounding box from the passed RPCStruct
 GM_Envelope DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate.getEnvelope()

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control with parameters of type GM_Envelope
private  void TakeSearchBoxListener.handle(GM_Envelope searchBox)
          handloes the creation of the response
private  java.util.HashMap MapViewListener.getWMSGetMapCalls(java.lang.String catalog, java.lang.String[] ids, GM_Envelope bbox)
          returns the addresses to be used to perform a GetMap request for the passed layers (IDs).
private static java.lang.String ISO19115RequestFactory.createGMLBox(GM_Envelope bbox)

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control with parameters of type GM_Envelope
DownloadListener.FeatureTemplate(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String title, GM_Envelope bbox)

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope SelectionEntry.bbox
protected  GM_Envelope MetadataList.bbox

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope SelectionEntry.getBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box that bases the request the entry was find at
 GM_Envelope MetadataList.getBoundingBox()
          returns the boundingbox that had limited the spatial extent of the request the list bases on

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.model with parameters of type GM_Envelope
SelectionEntry(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String catalog, GM_Envelope bbox, int[] availability)
          Creates a new SelectionEntry object.
MetadataList(GM_Envelope bbox, java.lang.String catalog)
          Creates a new instance of EntryList
MetadataList(GM_Envelope bbox, java.lang.String catalog, int initialSize)
          Creates a new CatalogEntryList object with an initial size

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.model

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.model with parameters of type GM_Envelope
static WMSGetMapRequest ModelVerify.setToBoundaries(WMSGetMapRequest mrm, GM_Envelope maxBBox)
          validates the bounding box of the model against the maximal possible bounding box.
static WMSGetMapRequest ModelModifier.modify(WMSGetMapRequest model, GM_Envelope bbox)
          creates a WMSGetMapRequest that is identical to the submitted one but with a new boundingbox

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type GM_Envelope
private  java.lang.StringBuffer HighlightingListener.createSLD(GM_Position[] coords, GM_Envelope env, java.lang.String queryLay, ViewContext vc)
          creates the SLD xml file.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope MapView_Impl.boundingbox
protected  GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.boundingbox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope MapView_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of the MapView.
 GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of Layer.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 void MapView_Impl.setBoundingBox(GM_Envelope boundingbox)
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox)
          creates a MapView with a name and a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView.
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a MapView with a name, a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView and a CRS.
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, Theme[] themes)
          creates a MapView with a name, a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView, a CRS and n Themes.
static MapView MapFactory.createMapView(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, Layer[] layers)
          creates a MapView with a name, a boundingbox describing the area coverd by the MapView, a CRS and n Layers.

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
MapView_Impl(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox)
MapView_Impl(java.lang.String name, GM_Envelope boundingbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope WorldToScreenTransform.sourceRect
private  GM_Envelope WorldToScreenTransform.destRect

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WorldToScreenTransform.getSourceRect()
 GM_Envelope WorldToScreenTransform.getDestRect()

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 void WorldToScreenTransform.setSourceRect(GM_Envelope rect)
          sets the source rectangle
 void WorldToScreenTransform.setDestRect(GM_Envelope rect)
          sets the destination rectangle.

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
WorldToScreenTransform(GM_Envelope sourceRect, GM_Envelope destRect)
          constructor initialices the transformation rectangle using the submitted source- and destination rectangle.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope BNAFeature._envelope
          The bounding box for all the geometries of this feature

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope BNAGeometry.getEnvelope()
 GM_Envelope BNAFeature.getEnvelope()
          Returns the bounding box containing all the geometris of this feature.
private static GM_Envelope BNAFeature.merge(GM_Envelope a, GM_Envelope b)
          Merges two envelopes, computing the Envelope that contains both.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
private static GM_Envelope BNAFeature.merge(GM_Envelope a, GM_Envelope b)
          Merges two envelopes, computing the Envelope that contains both.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 java.awt.image.BufferedImage ECWReader.getBufferedImage(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height)
          read part from ECW-file which falls within env and return this part as BufferedImage with dimenions width and height

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 float[][] bbox)
          reads a rectangular subset from the image
private  float[][] IMGReader.readByte(GM_Envelope bbox)
private  float[][] IMGReader.readSmallInt(GM_Envelope bbox)
private  float[][] IMGReader.readInt(GM_Envelope bbox)
private  float[][] IMGReader.readFloat(GM_Envelope bbox)
private  float[][] IMGReader.readDouble(GM_Envelope bbox)

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
IMGReader(java.lang.String fileName, int width, int height, GM_Envelope bbox, int type)
          Creates a new instance of IMGReader

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope SHP2WKS.getRange(SHPPoint[] ring, int[] pts)
          method: getRange(LinearRing ring, int[] pts)
returns the range envelope of a polygon. after calling getRange
the array pts contains the indieces of the points corresponding
to the left, top, right and bottom of the range envelope.
 GM_Envelope ShapeFile.getFileMBR()
          returns the minimum bounding rectangle of all geometries
within the shape-file
 GM_Envelope ShapeFile.getMBRByRecNo(int recNo)
          returns the minimum bound rectangle of RecNo'th Geometrie

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 int[] ShapeFile.getGeoNumbersByRect(GM_Envelope r)
          returns a ArrayList that contains all geomeries of the shape file
which mbr's are completly or partly within the rectangle r
only Points, MultiPoints, PolyLines and Polygons are handled

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.model.ct

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, java.lang.String sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, CS_CoordinateSystem sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.ct with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, java.lang.String sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, CoordinateSystem sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance
 GM_Envelope GeoTransformer.transformEnvelope(GM_Envelope envelope, CS_CoordinateSystem sourceCRS)
          transfroms a GM_Envelope to the target crs of the GeoTransformer instance

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope Tile_Impl.boundingBox
private  GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.latLonBoundingBox
private  GM_Envelope Directory_Impl.boundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope Tile_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box of the Tile
 GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The required LatLonBoundingBox element, has attributes indicating the edges of an enclosing rectangle in longitude/latitude decimal degrees.
 GM_Envelope Directory_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box of the Directory
private static GM_Envelope CVDescriptorFactory.createLatLonBoundingBox(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          creates the latlon bounding box of the GridCoverageLayer
private static GM_Envelope CVDescriptorDirFactory.createLatLonBoundingBox(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          creates the latlon bounding box of the GridCoverageLayer

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 Tile[] Directory_Impl.getTiles(GM_Envelope bbox)
          returns all Tiles containted within the directory that fits the submitted bounding box
protected static Tile[] CV_Coverage_Impl.getTiles(Level level, GM_Envelope boundingBox, double scale)
          return all Tiles that matches the bounding box and the scale.
private static java.util.ArrayList CV_Coverage_Impl.getTilesByDir(GM_Envelope boundingBox, double scale, Level level, java.util.ArrayList list)
private static java.util.ArrayList CV_Coverage_Impl.getTiles(GM_Envelope boundingBox, double scale, Level level, java.util.ArrayList list)
          recursive method for selecting all Tiles that matches the submitted conditions.
private static java.util.ArrayList CV_Coverage_Impl.getTiles(GM_Envelope boundingBox, Tile tile, java.util.ArrayList list)
          recursive method for selecting all Tiles that matches the submitted conditions.

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
Tile_Impl( resourceURL, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Level level)
Tile_Impl( resourceURL, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Tile[] tiles)
Tile_Impl( resourceURL, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Level level, Tile[] tiles)
Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] crs, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList)
Layer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] queryCRS, java.lang.String[] responseCRS, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList)
GridCoverageLayer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] crs, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList, java.lang.String[] supportedInterpolationList, GridExtentDescription gridExtentDescription, descriptorResource, RangeSetDescription rangeSetDescription)
GridCoverageLayer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] queryCRS, java.lang.String[] responseCRS, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList, java.lang.String[] supportedInterpolationList, GridExtentDescription gridExtentDescription, RangeSetDescription rangeSetDescription)
Directory_Impl(java.lang.String resource, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Level level, java.lang.String[] extensions, double widthCRS, double heightCRS)
          Creates a new instance of Directory_Impl
Directory_Impl(java.lang.String resource, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Directory[] directories, java.lang.String[] extensions, double widthCRS, double heightCRS)
          Creates a new instance of Directory_Impl
Directory_Impl(java.lang.String resource, GM_Envelope boundingBox, Level level, Directory[] directories, java.lang.String[] extensions, double widthCRS, double heightCRS)
          Creates a new instance of Directory_Impl
CoverageLayer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] crs, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList, java.lang.String[] supportedInterpolationList, DomainSetExtentDescription domainSetExtentDescription, descriptorResource)
CoverageLayer_Impl(java.lang.String layerID, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String[] keywordList, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, java.lang.String[] queryCRS, java.lang.String[] responseCRS, java.lang.String nativeCRS,[] metadataURLs, Format[] supportedFormatList, java.lang.String[] supportedInterpolationList, DomainSetExtentDescription domainSetExtentDescription)

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.model.feature

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.feature declared as GM_Envelope
protected  GM_Envelope Feature_Impl.envelope
private  GM_Envelope FeatureCollection_Impl.envelope

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature that return GM_Envelope
private static GM_Envelope GMLFeatureAdapter.createBoundedBy(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the boundingbox of the feature
 GM_Envelope Feature_Impl.getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature
 GM_Envelope FeatureCollection_Impl.getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature collection

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.model.gc

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.gc with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 java.lang.Object ImageGridCoverage.getRaster(GM_Envelope env)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS) as BufferedImage
 java.lang.Object ImageGridCoverage.getRaster(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height, int imageType)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS) as BufferedImage
 java.lang.Object ImageGridCoverage.getRaster(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS)
 java.lang.Object GC_GridCoverage_Impl.getRaster(GM_Envelope env)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS) as BufferedImage
 java.lang.Object GC_GridCoverage_Impl.getRaster(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height, int imageType, RangeParamList rangeParams)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS) as BufferedImage
private  java.awt.image.BufferedImage GC_GridCoverage_Impl.getBufferedImage(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height, int imageType, Tile[] tiles, RangeParamList rangeParams, java.util.List usedRanges)
          reads a grid coverage from image sources and returns it as BufferedImage
 java.lang.Object GC_GridCoverage_Impl.getRaster(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height)
          returns a part of the GridCoverage defined by the submitted bounding box (coordinates at the gc's CRS)
 double GC_GridCoverage_Impl.getScale(GM_Envelope env, int width, int height)
          returns the scale of the requested gc

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.gc with parameters of type GM_Envelope
ImageGridCoverage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage image, GM_Envelope bbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, boolean isEditable)
          initialzies a simple CV_Coverage with an image, coordinate reference system, an envelope describing the spatial extension of of the coverage and the coverages metadata.

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Classes in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that implement GM_Envelope
 class GM_Envelope_Impl
          a boundingbox as child of a GM_Polygon isn't part of the iso19107 spec but it simplifies the geometry handling within jago ------------------------------------------------------------

Fields in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry declared as GM_Envelope
protected  GM_Envelope GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.envelope
protected  GM_Envelope GM_Object_Impl.envelope

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope GM_SurfacePatch_Impl.getEnvelope()
          returns the bounding box of the surface patch
 GM_Envelope GM_Object_Impl.getEnvelope()
          returns the bounding box / envelope of a geometry
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope_Impl.createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope. * Note: If there is no intersection at all GM_Envelope will be null.
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope_Impl.getBuffer(double b)
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope_Impl.merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
static GM_Envelope GMLAdapter.createGM_Envelope(GMLBox box)
          creates a GM_Envelope object out from a GMLBox
static GM_Envelope GeometryFactory.createGM_Envelope(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy)
          creates a GM_Envelope object out from two croner coordinates
static GM_Envelope GeometryFactory.createGM_Envelope(GM_Position min, GM_Position max)
          creates a GM_Envelope object out from two croner coordinates

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 boolean GM_Envelope_Impl.intersects(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if this envelope and the submitted intersects
 boolean GM_Envelope_Impl.contains(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if all points of the submitted bounding box are within this bounding box
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope_Impl.createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope. * Note: If there is no intersection at all GM_Envelope will be null.
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope_Impl.merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
static java.lang.String GMLAdapter.export(GM_Envelope envelope)
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(GM_Envelope bbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a GM_Surface from a GM_Envelope.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope RecordType_Impl.latLonBoundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
private static GM_Envelope WCASCapabilitiesFactory.getLatLonBoundingBox(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns the bounding box of a RecordType
 GM_Envelope RecordType_Impl.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The LatLonBoundingBox attributes indicate the edges of the enclosing rectangle in latitude/longitude decimal degrees (as in SRS EPSG:4326 [WGS1984 lat/lon]).

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 void RecordType_Impl.setLatLonBoundingBox(GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox)
          sets the LatLonBoundingBox

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
RecordType_Impl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, RecordTypeList parentList, java.lang.String[] keyword, Operation[] operation, MetadataURL[] metadataURL, java.lang.String responsibleClassName, configURL)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl.boundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
static WCSGetCoverageRequest WCSProtocolFactory.createWCSGetCoverageRequest(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, int width, int height, int depth, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
          creates a GetCoverage from its parameters with defining the coverages width, height and depth
static WCSGetCoverageRequest WCSProtocolFactory.createWCSGetCoverageRequest(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, double resX, double resY, double resZ, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
          creates a GetCoverage from its parameters with defining the coverages resolution in x-, y- und z-direction

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, double resX, double resY, double resZ, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)
WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, java.util.HashMap vendorspecificParameters, java.lang.String layer, java.lang.String crs, java.lang.String responseCrs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, RangeParamList rpl, int width, int height, int depth, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String interpolationMethod, java.lang.String exceptions)

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope FeatureType_Impl.latLonBoundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
private static GM_Envelope WFSCapabilitiesFactory.createBoundingBox(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates a bounding box from a string containing a comma seperated list of corner coorinates (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
 GM_Envelope FeatureType_Impl.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The LatLonBoundingBox attributes indicate the edges of the enclosing rectangle in latitude/longitude decimal degrees (as in SRS EPSG:4326 [WGS1984 lat/lon]).

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
static FeatureType WFSCapabilitiesFactory.createFeatureType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, FeatureTypeList parentList, java.lang.String[] keywords, Operation[] operations, MetadataURL[] metadataURL, java.lang.String responsibleClassName, configURL)
          creates a FeatureType object
 void FeatureType_Impl.setLatLonBoundingBox(GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox)
          sets the LatLonBoundingBox

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
FeatureType_Impl(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, FeatureTypeList parentList, java.lang.String[] keyword, Operation[] operation, MetadataURL[] metadataURL, java.lang.String responsibleClassName, configURL)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope SpatialOperation.getBoundingBox()
          Deprecated. replaced by SpatialOperation.getGeometry()

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.calcTargetArea(DataSource ds)
          calculates the target area for the getfeatureinfo request from the maps bounding box, the its size and the image coordinates of interest.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Classes in that implement GM_Envelope
(package private)  class LayerBoundingBox_Impl
          Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.latLonBoundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
protected  GM_Envelope OGCWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createLatLonBoundingBox(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Creates a GM_Envelope-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'LatLonBoundingBox'-Element.
 GM_Envelope Layer_Impl.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          Every Layer shall have exactly one element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
protected  GM_Envelope DeegreeWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createLatLonBoundingBox(LayerBoundingBox box)
          creates a GM_Envelope with lat/lon coordinates from the passed LayerBoundingBox by transforming the corner coordinates to EPSG:4326.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 void Layer_Impl.setLatLonBoundingBox(GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox)
          sets the LatLonBoundingBox element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.
 void Layer_Impl.addBoundingBox(GM_Envelope boundingBox)
          adds the
protected  Layer DeegreeWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createLayer(org.w3c.dom.Element element, GM_Envelope bbox)
          Creates a Layer-instance according to the contents of the DOM-subtree starting at the given 'Layer'-Element.
protected  LayerBoundingBox DeegreeWMSCapabilitiesFactory.createBoundingBox(GM_Envelope llBBox, java.lang.String crs)
          creates a LayerBoundingBox with a CRS othe than EPSG:4326 instance from the passed LatLonBoundingBox and the desired CRS

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
Layer_Impl(boolean queryable, int cascaded, boolean opaque, boolean noSubsets, int fixedWidth, int fixedHeight, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String abstract_, GM_Envelope latLonBoundingBox, Attribution attribution, ScaleHint scaleHint, java.lang.String[] keywordList, java.lang.String[] srs, LayerBoundingBox[] boundingBoxes, Dimension[] dimensions, Extent[] extents, AuthorityURL[] authorityURLs, Identifier[] identifiers, MetadataURL[] metadataURLs, DataURL[] dataURLs, FeatureListURL[] featureListURLs, Style[] styles, Layer[] layers, DataSource[] dataSource, Layer parent)
          constructor initializing the class with the

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope WMSGetMapRequest_Impl.boundingBox

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
private static GM_Envelope WMSProtocolFactory.getBoundingBoxFromGazetteer(java.lang.String location, java.lang.String locationType, double radius, GazetteerParam gazetteer)
          returns the bounding box of the submitted location.
 GM_Envelope WMSGetMapRequest_Impl.getBoundingBox()
          The required BBOX parameter allows a Client to request a particular Bounding Box.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
static WMSGetMapRequest WMSProtocolFactory.createGetMapRequest(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers, double[] elevation, java.lang.String[] sampleDimension, java.lang.String format, int width, int height, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, java.awt.Color bGColor, java.lang.String exceptions, java.lang.String time, sldURL, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
          creates a WTSGetViewRequest from a set of parameters and builds up the complete SLD.
 void WMSGetMapRequest_Impl.setBoundingBox(GM_Envelope boundingBox)
          sets the

Constructors in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
WMSGetMapRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version, java.lang.String id, WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers, double[] elevation, java.lang.String[] sampleDimension, java.lang.String format, int width, int height, java.lang.String srs, GM_Envelope boundingBox, boolean transparency, java.awt.Color bGColor, java.lang.String exceptions, java.lang.String time, sldURL, StyledLayerDescriptor sld, java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
          Creates a new WMSGetMapRequest_Impl object.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Fields in declared as GM_Envelope
private  GM_Envelope WTSScene_Impl.envelope

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WTSScene_Impl.getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope od the scene.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope MapView.getBoundingBox()
          returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of the MapView.
 GM_Envelope Layer.getBoundingBox()
          returns the BoundingBox (Envelope) of Layer.

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 java.lang.String[] boundingbox)
          selects all features (display elements) that are located within the submitted bounding box.
 void MapView.setBoundingBox(GM_Envelope boundingbox)

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope GeoTransform.getSourceRect()
 GM_Envelope GeoTransform.getDestRect()

Methods in with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 void GeoTransform.setSourceRect(GM_Envelope rect)
 void GeoTransform.setDestRect(GM_Envelope rect)

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree.model.coverage

Methods in org.deegree.model.coverage that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope Tile.getBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box of the Tile
 GM_Envelope Layer.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The required LatLonBoundingBox element, has attributes indicating the edges of an enclosing rectangle in longitude/latitude decimal degrees.
 GM_Envelope Directory.getBoundingBox()
          returns the bounding box of the Directory

Methods in org.deegree.model.coverage with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 Tile[] Directory.getTiles(GM_Envelope bbox)
          returns all Tiles containted within the directory that fits the submitted bounding box

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree.model.feature that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope Feature.getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope / boundingbox of the feature

Uses of GM_Envelope in org.deegree.model.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope GM_Object.getEnvelope()
          returns the bounding box of a geometry
 GM_Envelope GM_GenericSurface.getEnvelope()
          returns the bounding box of the surface
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope.createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope.
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope.merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
          merges two GM_Envelops and returns the minimum envelope containing both.
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope.getBuffer(double b)
          creates a new envelope

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry with parameters of type GM_Envelope
 boolean GM_Envelope.intersects(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if this envelope intersects the submitted envelope
 boolean GM_Envelope.contains(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns true if all positions of the submitted bounding box are within this bounding box
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope.createIntersection(GM_Envelope bb)
          returns a new GM_Envelope object representing the intersection of this GM_Envelope with the specified GM_Envelope.
 GM_Envelope GM_Envelope.merge(GM_Envelope envelope)
          merges two GM_Envelops and returns the minimum envelope containing both.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope SI_SpatialReferenceSystem.getDomainOfValidity()

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope RecordType.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The LatLonBoundingBox attributes indicate the edges of the enclosing rectangle in latitude/longitude decimal degrees (as in SRS EPSG:4326 [WGS1984 lat/lon]).

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WCSGetCoverageRequest.getBoundingBox()
          GetCoverage queries must express spatial constraints in at least 2-D (XY) coordinate space, using a BBOX parameter with comma-separated numbers (minx, miny, maxx, maxy), expressed in the spatial reference system given in the SRS parameter.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope FeatureType.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          The LatLonBoundingBox attributes indicate the edges of the enclosing rectangle in latitude/longitude decimal degrees (as in SRS EPSG:4326 [WGS1984 lat/lon]).

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Subinterfaces of GM_Envelope in
 interface LayerBoundingBox
          Layers may have zero or more elements that are either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope Layer.getLatLonBoundingBox()
          Every Layer shall have exactly one element that is either stated explicitly or inherited from a parent Layer.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WMSGetMapRequest.getBoundingBox()
          The required BBOX parameter allows a Client to request a particular Bounding Box.

Uses of GM_Envelope in

Methods in that return GM_Envelope
 GM_Envelope WTSScene.getEnvelope()
          returns the envelope od the scene.