Uses of Class

Packages that use ViewContext

Uses of ViewContext in org.deegree_impl.clients.context

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context that return ViewContext
static ViewContext WebMapContextFactory.createViewContext(java.lang.String fileName)
          creates an instance of a ViewContext from the web map context document read from the file idenfied by the passed name
static ViewContext WebMapContextFactory.createViewContext( reader)
          creates an instance of a ViewContext from the web map context document read from the passed Reader

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.context with parameters of type ViewContext
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getArea(ViewContext viewContext, int area)
          creates JSP import statement for the modules being part of an area of the GUI/page.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.createJSInitSection(ViewContext viewContext)
          creates a set of constructor calls that are requierd to initialize the GUI.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.createCommonJSImport(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.Object[][] JSPCreator2.getLayersGroupedByService(ViewContext viewContext)
          returns a matrix containing an array of layer for each server defined in the map context. the matrix is ordered in that way that in the first row and first field you find the server in the second field you find an array of layers served by the server.
static java.lang.String[][] JSPCreator2.getServiceRequests(ViewContext viewContext)
          creates a list of servers and GetMap requests assigned to them from a ViewContext.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.createLayerListJS(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getLayerAsHTMLTable(ViewContext viewContext)
          returns the layers contained in the passed ViewContext as a HTML table with a Checkbox for visibility and a Radiobutton for query (featureInfo).
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getVisibleLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getAvailableLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getAvailableLayersAsComboBox(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator2.getControlBarContent(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getArea(ViewContext viewContext, int area)
          creates JSP import statement for the modules being part of an area of the GUI/page.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.createJSInitSection(ViewContext viewContext)
          creates a set of constructor calls that are requierd to initialize the GUI.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.createCommonJSImport(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.Object[][] JSPCreator.getLayersGroupedByService(ViewContext viewContext)
          returns a matrix containing an array of layer for each server defined in the map context. the matrix is ordered in that way that in the first row and first field you find the server in the second field you find an array of layers served by the server.
static java.lang.String[][] JSPCreator.getServiceRequests(ViewContext viewContext)
          creates a list of servers and GetMap requests assigned to them from a ViewContext.
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getLayerAsHTMLTable(ViewContext viewContext)
          returns the layers contained in the passed ViewContext as a HTML table with a Checkbox for visibility and a Radiobutton for query (featureInfo).
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getVisibleLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getAvailableLayersAsHTMLList(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getAvailableLayersAsComboBox(ViewContext viewContext)
static java.lang.String JSPCreator.getControlBarContent(ViewContext viewContext)

Uses of ViewContext in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control

Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control declared as ViewContext
private  ViewContext
private  ViewContext MapApplicationHandler.defaultContext

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control that return ViewContext
 ViewContext MapApplicationHandler.getDefaultWebMapContext()
          returns the default configuration of the WMS client

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type ViewContext
private  java.util.HashMap[] PrintListener.createWMSRequestModel(RPCStruct struct, ViewContext vc)
          creates model with WMS request from the RPCStruct request parameter.
private  void PrintListener.saveImage(ViewContext vc, RPCStruct struct, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bg)
          saves image with BufferedImage including map, legend and scalebar in chosen image format and directory set in mapcontext.xml file.
 void MapApplicationHandler.setDefaultWebMapContext(ViewContext defaultContext)
          sets the default configuration for the map cliet
private  WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest InfoListener.modifyModel(ViewContext vc, java.util.HashMap model)
private  WMSGetMapRequest HighlightingListener.createRequest(RPCParameter[] para, ViewContext vc)
          creates the modified WMS Request including the URL for the SLD.
private  void HighlightingListener.highlight(java.lang.String queryLayer, WMSGetMapRequest gmr, ViewContext vc)
          sets the request for highlighting.
private  java.lang.StringBuffer HighlightingListener.createSLD(GM_Position[] coords, GM_Envelope env, java.lang.String queryLay, ViewContext vc)
          creates the SLD xml file.
private  void HighlightingListener.saveSLD(java.lang.StringBuffer sld, ViewContext vc)
          saves the created SLD file.
private  java.util.HashMap[] DynLegendListener.createWMSRequestModel(RPCStruct struct, ViewContext vc)
private  void DynLegendListener.saveImage(ViewContext vc, RPCStruct struct, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bg)

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type ViewContext
MapApplicationHandler(java.lang.String controllerFile, ViewContext vc)
          Creates a new MapApplicationHandler object.