Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wcasclient.control with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
private GM_Envelope |
TakeSearchBoxListener.calcualteSearchBox(WMSGetMapRequest gmr,
double minx,
double miny,
double maxx,
double maxy)
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration |
Fields in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration declared as WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
WMSClientConfigurationFactory.createInitialGetMapRequest(org.w3c.dom.Element initMapReq)
WMSGetMapRequest |
returns the initial get map request |
WMSGetMapRequest |
returns the initial get map request of the project |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
void |
Project.setInitialWMSGetMapRequest(WMSGetMapRequest gmr)
sets the initial get map request of the project |
Constructors in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.configuration with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
WMSClientConfiguration(WMSClientConfiguration defaultConfig,
java.util.HashMap wmsCapabilities,
MapSize[] offeredMapSizes,
Format[] offeredMapFormats,
Format[] offeredInfoFormats,
MapOperation[] offeredMapOperations,
MapOperationFactor[] offeredZoomFactors,
MapOperationFactor[] offeredPanFactors,
double minScale,
double maxScale,
WMSGetMapRequest gmr,
Project[] offeredProjects)
Creates a new WMSClientConfiguration object. |
Project(java.lang.String name,
WMSGetMapRequest gmr)
Creates a new Project object. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.control |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.control that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomOutListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomInListener.modifyModelToPointZoom(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomInListener.modifyModelToZoomInByRect(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
The method performs a "zoom in by rectangle" to the map model. |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ResetListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
protected WMSGetMapRequest |
RefreshListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
RecenterListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
PanListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.control with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
protected double |
AbstractMapListener.getScale(WMSGetMapRequest mrm)
the method returns the scale of the map defined as diagonal size of a pixel at the center of the map. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.model |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.model that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelVerify.setToBoundaries(WMSGetMapRequest mrm,
GM_Envelope maxBBox)
validates the bounding box of the model against the maximal possible bounding box. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelVerify.setToMinScale(WMSGetMapRequest mrm,
double minScale)
validates the scale of the model against the allowed minimal scale. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelModifier.modify(WMSGetMapRequest model,
GM_Point center,
double zoomLevel)
modify's the submitted WMSGetMapRequest by setting a new boundingbox that is $zoomlevel$ % larger ( zoomLevel > 0 ) or $zoomlevel$ smaller ( zoomLevel < 0 ) than the current bounding box. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelModifier.modify(WMSGetMapRequest model,
GM_Envelope bbox)
creates a WMSGetMapRequest that is identical to the submitted one but with a new boundingbox |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient.model with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelVerify.setToBoundaries(WMSGetMapRequest mrm,
GM_Envelope maxBBox)
validates the bounding box of the model against the maximal possible bounding box. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelVerify.setToMinScale(WMSGetMapRequest mrm,
double minScale)
validates the scale of the model against the allowed minimal scale. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelModifier.modify(WMSGetMapRequest model,
GM_Point center,
double zoomLevel)
modify's the submitted WMSGetMapRequest by setting a new boundingbox that is $zoomlevel$ % larger ( zoomLevel > 0 ) or $zoomlevel$ smaller ( zoomLevel < 0 ) than the current bounding box. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
ModelModifier.modify(WMSGetMapRequest model,
GM_Envelope bbox)
creates a WMSGetMapRequest that is identical to the submitted one but with a new boundingbox |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomOutListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomInListener.modifyModelToPointZoom(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
ZoomInListener.modifyModelToZoomInByRect(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
The method performs a "zoom in by rectangle" to the map model. |
protected WMSGetMapRequest |
RefreshListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
RecenterListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
PanListener.modifyModel(WMSClientConfiguration config,
java.util.HashMap model)
private WMSGetMapRequest |
HighlightingListener.createRequest(RPCParameter[] para,
ViewContext vc)
creates the modified WMS Request including the URL for the SLD. |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
private void |
HighlightingListener.highlight(java.lang.String queryLayer,
WMSGetMapRequest gmr,
ViewContext vc)
sets the request for highlighting. |
protected double |
AbstractMapListener.getScale(WMSGetMapRequest mrm)
the method returns the scale of the map defined as diagonal size of a pixel at the center of the map. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.services.wms |
Fields in org.deegree_impl.services.wms declared as WMSGetMapRequest | |
protected WMSGetMapRequest |
protected WMSGetMapRequest |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wms with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
OGCWebServiceResponse |
WMSCache.get(WMSGetMapRequest identifier)
gets an entry from the cache. |
protected void |
RemoteWMService.handleGetMap(WMSGetMapRequest request,
OGCWebServiceClient client)
performs a GetMap request against the remote service. |
Constructors in org.deegree_impl.services.wms with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
GetMapHandler_Impl(WMSCapabilities capabilities,
WMSGetMapRequest request)
Creates a new GetMapHandler object. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities |
Fields in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities declared as WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
WMSGetMapRequest |
returns an instance of a WMSGetMapRequest encapsulating the filter conditions against a remote WMS. |
Constructors in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.capabilities with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
DataSource_Impl(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String geometryProperty,
OGCWebService ows,
java.net.URL capabilitiesURL,
ScaleHint scaleHint,
WMSGetMapRequest getMap)
Creates a new DataSource_Impl object. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol |
Classes in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol that implement WMSGetMapRequest | |
class |
This interface describes the access to the parameters of a GeMap request. |
Fields in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol declared as WMSGetMapRequest | |
private WMSGetMapRequest |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
WMSProtocolFactory.createGetMapRequest(java.lang.String id,
org.w3c.dom.Element root)
creates a WMSGetMapRequest from its XML representation as defined in SLD 1.0.0 specification |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
WMSProtocolFactory.createGetMapRequest(java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String request)
creates a WMSGetMapRequest from a HashMap that contains the request parameters as key-value-pairs. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
WMSProtocolFactory.createGetMapRequest(java.lang.String id,
java.util.Map model)
creates a WMSGetMapRequest from a HashMap that contains the request parameters as key-value-pairs. |
static WMSGetMapRequest |
WMSProtocolFactory.createGetMapRequest(java.lang.String version,
java.lang.String id,
WMSGetMapRequest.Layer[] layers,
double[] elevation,
java.lang.String[] sampleDimension,
java.lang.String format,
int width,
int height,
java.lang.String srs,
GM_Envelope boundingBox,
boolean transparency,
java.awt.Color bGColor,
java.lang.String exceptions,
java.lang.String time,
java.net.URL sldURL,
StyledLayerDescriptor sld,
java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
creates a WTSGetViewRequest from a set of parameters and builds up the complete SLD. |
WMSGetMapRequest |
Methods in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
static WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest |
WMSProtocolFactory.createGetFeatureInfoRequest(java.lang.String version,
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String[] queryLayers,
WMSGetMapRequest getMapRequestCopy,
java.lang.String infoFormat,
int featureCount,
java.awt.Point clickPoint,
java.lang.String exceptions,
StyledLayerDescriptor sld,
java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
creates a WMSFeatureInfoRequest from the request parameters. |
void |
WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl.setGetMapRequestCopy(WMSGetMapRequest getMapRequestCopy)
sets the |
Constructors in org.deegree_impl.services.wms.protocol with parameters of type WMSGetMapRequest | |
WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl(java.lang.String version,
java.lang.String id,
java.lang.String[] queryLayers,
WMSGetMapRequest getMapRequestCopy,
java.lang.String infoFormat,
int featureCount,
java.awt.Point clickPoint,
java.lang.String exceptions,
StyledLayerDescriptor sld,
java.util.HashMap vendorSpecificParameter)
Creates a new WMSFeatureInfoRequest_Impl object. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities |
Methods in org.deegree.services.wms.capabilities that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
WMSGetMapRequest |
returns an instance of a WMSGetMapRequest encapsulating the filter conditions against a remote WMS. |
Uses of WMSGetMapRequest in org.deegree.services.wms.protocol |
Methods in org.deegree.services.wms.protocol that return WMSGetMapRequest | |
WMSGetMapRequest |