Uses of Class

Packages that use GM_Exception   

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
 java.lang.Object PostgisDBAccess.performQuery(java.lang.String query, int startFeature, int maxFeatures)
          performs a query against a postgis database. the returned object is an instance of org.deegree.model.table.Table
 java.lang.Object MySQLDBAccess.performQuery(java.lang.String query, int startFeature, int maxFeatures)
          performs a query against a postgis database. the returned object is an instance of org.deegree.model.table.Table

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
 Feature ShapeFile.getFeatureByRecNo(int RecNo)
          returns the RecNo'th entry of the shape file as Feature.
 GM_Object ShapeFile.getGM_ObjectByRecNo(int RecNo)
          returns RecNo'th Geometrie

Uses of GM_Exception in org.deegree_impl.model.feature

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.feature that throw GM_Exception
static FeatureCollection GMLFeatureAdapter.wrap( reader)
static FeatureCollection GMLFeatureAdapter.wrap(org.w3c.dom.Element root)
private static Feature GMLFeatureAdapter.createFeature(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          creates an instance of a deegree feature from a contrete gml:_Feature node
private static GM_Object GMLFeatureAdapter.createGeometry(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
private static GM_Curve GMLFeatureAdapter.createLineString(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of a curve created from the passed
private static GM_Surface GMLFeatureAdapter.createPolygon(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of a surface created from the passed
private static GM_MultiPoint GMLFeatureAdapter.createMultiPoint(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of a multi point created from the passed
private static GM_MultiCurve GMLFeatureAdapter.createMultiLineString(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of a multi point created from the passed
private static GM_MultiSurface GMLFeatureAdapter.createMultiSurface(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          returns an instance of a multi point created from the passed

Uses of GM_Exception in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry

Methods in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that throw GM_Exception
static GM_Object WKTAdapter.wrap(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
static java.lang.StringBuffer WKTAdapter.export(GM_Object geom)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer WKTAdapter.export(GM_Curve cur)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer WKTAdapter.export(GM_MultiCurve mc)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer WKTAdapter.export(GM_MultiSurface ms)
static GM_Point WKTAdapter.wrapPoint(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Point from a WKT.
static GM_Curve WKTAdapter.wrapCurve(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from a WKT.
static GM_Surface WKTAdapter.wrapSurface(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Surface
static GM_MultiPoint WKTAdapter.wrapMultiPoint(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from a WKT
static GM_MultiCurve WKTAdapter.wrapMultiCurve(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from a WKT
static GM_MultiSurface WKTAdapter.wrapMultiSurface(java.lang.String wkt, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface from a WKT
static GM_Object SDEAdapter.wrap(SeShape shape)
static SeShape SDEAdapter.export(GM_Object geom, SeCoordinateReference crs)
private static SeShape SDEAdapter.export(GM_Curve cur, SeCoordinateReference crs)
private static SeShape SDEAdapter.export(GM_MultiCurve mc, SeCoordinateReference crs)
private static GM_Point SDEAdapter.wrapPoint(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_Point from a SeShape
private static GM_Curve SDEAdapter.wrapCurve(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_Curve from a SeShape
private static GM_Surface SDEAdapter.wrapSurface(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_Surface
private static GM_MultiPoint SDEAdapter.wrapMultiPoint(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from a WKT
private static GM_MultiCurve SDEAdapter.wrapMultiCurve(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from a WKT
private static GM_MultiSurface SDEAdapter.wrapMultiSurface(SeShape shape)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface from a WKT
static GM_Object PostGISAdapter.wrap(PGgeometry geom, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree geometry from the passed postgis geometry and CRS
static Geometry PostGISAdapter.export(GM_Object geom)
          exports the passed deegree geometry as the corresponding postgis geometry
private static GM_Point PostGISAdapter.createPoint(Point ppoint, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree point from a PostGIS point
private static GM_Curve PostGISAdapter.createCurve(LineString lineString, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree curve from a PostGIS linestring
private static GM_Surface PostGISAdapter.createSurface(Polygon polygon, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree surface from a PostGIS polygon
private static GM_MultiPoint PostGISAdapter.createMultiPoint(MultiPoint mpoint, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree multi point from a PostGIS multi point
private static GM_MultiCurve PostGISAdapter.createMultiCurve(MultiLineString mlinestring, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree multi curve from a PostGIS multi lineString
private static GM_MultiSurface PostGISAdapter.createMultiSurface(MultiPolygon mpolygon, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree multi surface from a PostGIS multi polygon
private static Point PostGISAdapter.export(GM_Point point)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_Point to a postgis point
private static LineString PostGISAdapter.export(GM_Curve curve)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_Curve to a postgis LineString
private static Polygon PostGISAdapter.export(GM_Surface surface)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_Surface to a postgis Polygon
private static MultiPoint PostGISAdapter.export(GM_MultiPoint mpoint)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_MultiPoint to a postgis multipoint
private static MultiLineString PostGISAdapter.export(GM_MultiCurve mcurve)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_MultiCurve to a postgis MultiLineString
private static MultiPolygon PostGISAdapter.export(GM_MultiSurface msurface)
          transforms the passed deegree GM_MultiSurface to a postgis MultiPolygon
static GM_Object OracleAdapter.wrap(Geometry geometry, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a deegree geometry object from an oracle sdo geometry
static GM_Point OracleAdapter.wrapPoint(Point point, CS_CoordinateSystem srs)
          creates a GM_Point from a oracle sdo point.
static GM_Curve OracleAdapter.wrapCurve(LineString lineString, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from an oracle sdo LineString
static GM_Surface OracleAdapter.wrapSurface(Polygon polygon, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a GM_Surface from an oracle sdo Polygon
static GM_MultiPoint OracleAdapter.wrapMultiPoint(MultiPoint multiPoint, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from an oracle sdo MultiPoint.
static GM_MultiCurve OracleAdapter.wrapMultiCurve(MultiLineString multiLineString, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from an oracle sdo MultiPoint.
static GM_MultiSurface OracleAdapter.wrapMultiSurface(MultiPolygon multiPolygon, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface from an oracle sdo MultiPolygon.
private static GM_Position[] LinearContains.getPositions(GM_Curve curve)
          Convenience method to extract all GM_Positions from a GM_Curve.
static boolean LinearContains.contains(GM_Surface surface, GM_Curve curve)
          the operation returns true if the submitted curve contains the submitted surface
static Geometry JTSAdapter.export(GM_Object gmObject)
          Converts a GM_Object to a corresponding JTS-Geometry object.
static GM_Object JTSAdapter.wrap(Geometry geometry)
          Converts a JTS-Geometry object to a corresponding GM_Object.
private static LineString JTSAdapter.export(GM_Curve curve)
          Converts a GM_Curve to a LineString.
private static MultiLineString JTSAdapter.export(GM_MultiCurve multi)
          Converts a GM_MultiCurve to a MultiLineString.
private static GeometryCollection JTSAdapter.export(GM_MultiPrimitive multi)
          Converts a GM_MultiPrimitive to a GeometryCollection.
 GM_SurfacePatch GM_Surface_Impl.getSurfacePatchAt(int index)
          returns the surface patch at the submitted index
 void GM_Surface_Impl.setSurfacePatchAt(GM_SurfacePatch patch, int index)
          writes a surface patch to the surface at submitted position. the old patch will be deleted
 void GM_Surface_Impl.insertSurfacePatchAt(GM_SurfacePatch patch, int index)
          inserts a surface patch in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted
 void GM_Surface_Impl.deleteSurfacePatchAt(int index)
          deletes the surface patch at the submitted index
protected  void GM_Ring_Impl.setPositions(GM_Position[] positions)
          sets the Ring as a ArrayList of points
 GM_CurveSegment GM_Ring_Impl.getAsCurveSegment()
          returns the Ring as a CurveSegment
 void GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl.setOrientation(char orientation)
          sets the curves orientation
 void GM_MultiSurface_Impl.insertSurfaceAt(GM_Surface gms, int index)
          inserts a GM_Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiSurface_Impl.setSurfaceAt(GM_Surface gms, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Surface GM_MultiSurface_Impl.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 void GM_MultiPrimitive_Impl.merge(GM_Aggregate aggregate)
          merges this aggregation with another one
 void GM_MultiPoint_Impl.insertPointAt(GM_Point gmp, int index)
          inserts a GM_Point into the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiPoint_Impl.setPointAt(GM_Point gmp, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Point at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Point GM_MultiPoint_Impl.removePointAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Point at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 void GM_MultiCurve_Impl.insertCurveAt(GM_Curve gmc, int index)
          inserts a GM_Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmc equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiCurve_Impl.setCurveAt(GM_Curve gmc, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmc equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Curve GM_MultiCurve_Impl.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 GM_LineString GM_LineString_Impl.getAsLineString()
          returns a reference to itself
 GM_LineString GM_Curve_Impl.getAsLineString()
          returns the curve as GM_LineString. if there isn't a curve segment within the curve null will be returned
 GM_CurveSegment GM_Curve_Impl.getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment at the submitted index
 void GM_Curve_Impl.setCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          writes a segment to the curve at submitted position. the old point will be deleted
 void GM_Curve_Impl.insertCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          inserts a segment in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted
 void GM_Curve_Impl.addCurveSegment(GM_CurveSegment segment)
          adds a segment at the end of the curve
 void GM_Curve_Impl.deleteCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          deletes the segment at the submitted index
 void GM_Aggregate_Impl.merge(GM_Aggregate aggregate)
          merges this aggregation with another one
 void GM_Aggregate_Impl.insertObjectAt(GM_Object gmo, int index)
          inserts a GM_Object in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmo equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_Aggregate_Impl.setObjectAt(GM_Object gmo, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Object at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmo equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Object GM_Aggregate_Impl.removeObjectAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Object at the submitted index from the aggregation.
static java.lang.String GMLAdapter.export(GM_Object gmObject)
          creates FeatureCollections from OGC WKBs
static java.lang.String GMLAdapter.export(GM_Envelope envelope)
static GM_Object GMLAdapter.wrap(java.lang.String gml)
          Converts a GML geometry object to a corresponding GM_Object.
static GM_Object GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLGeometry gml)
          Converts a GML geometry object to a corresponding GM_Object.
private static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLAdapter.createCurve(GM_Curve o)
          creates a GML expression of a curve geometry
private static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLAdapter.createSurface(GM_Surface sur)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLAdapter.createMultiCurve(GM_MultiCurve mp)
private static java.lang.StringBuffer GMLAdapter.createMultiSurface(GM_MultiSurface mp)
private static GM_Point GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLPoint gml)
          creates a GM_Point from a gml.
private static GM_Point GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLPoint gml, java.lang.String multipointSRS)
          creates a GM_Point from a gml.
private static GM_Curve GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLLineString linestring)
          creates a GM_CurveSegment from an array of GML-points.
private static GM_Curve GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLLineString linestring, java.lang.String multilineSRS)
          creates a GM_CurveSegment from an array of GML-points.
private static GM_Surface GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLPolygon polygon)
          creates a GM_Surface
private static GM_Surface GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLPolygon polygon, java.lang.String multipolygonSRS)
          creates a GM_Surface
private static GM_MultiPoint GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLMultiPoint multipoint)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from a GMLMultiPoint
private static GM_MultiCurve GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLMultiLineString multilinestring)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from an GMLMultiLinestring.
private static GM_MultiSurface GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLMultiPolygon multipolygon)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface
private static GM_Surface GMLAdapter.wrap(GMLBox gmlBox)
static GM_Point GeometryFactory.createGM_Point(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem srs)
          creates a GM_Point from a wkb.
static GM_CurveSegment GeometryFactory.createGM_CurveSegment(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_CurveSegment from an array of points.
static GM_Curve GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(GM_Position[] positions, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from an array of GM_Positions.
static GM_Curve GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(GM_CurveSegment segment)
          creates a GM_Curve from one curve segment.
static GM_Curve GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
          creates a GM_Curve from an array of curve segments.
static GM_SurfacePatch GeometryFactory.createGM_SurfacePatch(GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_SurfacePatch from array(s) of GM_Position
static GM_Curve GeometryFactory.createGM_Curve(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Curve from a wkb.
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_Surface composed of one GM_SurfacePatch from array(s) of GM_Position
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(GM_SurfacePatch patch)
          creates a GM_Surface from an array of GM_SurfacePatch.
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a GM_Surface from a wkb.
static GM_Surface GeometryFactory.createGM_Surface(GM_Envelope bbox, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a GM_Surface from a GM_Envelope.
static GM_MultiPoint GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiPoint(GM_Point[] points)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from an array of GM_Point.
static GM_MultiPoint GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiPoint(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiPoint from a wkb.
static GM_MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiCurve(GM_Curve[] curves)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from an array of GM_Curves.
static GM_MultiCurve GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiCurve(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          creates a GM_MultiCurve from a wkb.
static GM_MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiSurface(GM_Surface[] surfaces)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface from a wkb
static GM_MultiSurface GeometryFactory.createGM_MultiSurface(byte[] wkb, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_SurfaceInterpolation si)
          creates a GM_MultiSurface from a wkb

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.model.geometry that throw GM_Exception
GM_Surface_Impl(GM_SurfacePatch surfacePatch)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting one surface patch.
GM_Surface_Impl(char orientation, GM_SurfacePatch surfacePatch)
          initializes the surface submitting the orientation and one surface patch.
GM_Surface_Impl(GM_SurfaceBoundary boundary)
          initializes the surface with default orientation submitting the surfaces boundary
GM_Surface_Impl(char orientation, GM_SurfaceBoundary boundary)
          initializes the surface submitting the orientation and the surfaces boundary.
GM_SurfacePatch_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_SurfacePatch_Impl object.
GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl(int surfaceInterpolation)
          Creates a new GM_SurfaceInterpolation_Impl object.
GM_SurfaceBoundary_Impl(GM_Ring exterior, GM_Ring[] interior)
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Constructor, with Array and CS_CoordinateSystem
GM_Ring_Impl(GM_Position[] points, CS_CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Constructor, with Array, CS_CoordinateSystem and Orientation
GM_Polygon_Impl(GM_SurfaceInterpolation interpolation, GM_Position[] exteriorRing, GM_Position[][] interiorRings, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_Polygon_Impl object.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_OrientableSurface_Impl object.
GM_OrientableSurface_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Creates a new GM_OrientableSurface_Impl object.
GM_OrientablePrimitive_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          the constructor sets the curves orientation
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_OrientableCurve_Impl object.
GM_OrientableCurve_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, char orientation)
          Creates a new GM_OrientableCurve_Impl object.
GM_LineString_Impl(GM_Position[] gmps, CS_CoordinateSystem cs)
          Creates a new GM_LineString_Impl object.
GM_Curve_Impl(GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system and an array of curve segments. the orientation of the curve is '+'
GM_Curve_Impl(char orientation, GM_CurveSegment[] segments)
          initialize the curve by submitting a spatial reference system, an array of curve segments and the orientation of the curve
GM_CurveSegment_Impl(GM_Position[] gmps, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a new GM_CurveSegment_Impl object.
GM_CurveBoundary_Impl(CS_CoordinateSystem crs, GM_Position sp, GM_Position ep)
          constructor of curve_boundary with CS_CoordinateSystem and startpoint and endpoint

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
private  java.lang.String BNADataStoreOutputGML.getGeometry(GM_Object o, java.lang.String crs)
private  java.lang.StringBuffer BNADataStoreOutputGML.handleCurves(java.lang.String crs, GM_Object o)
private  java.lang.StringBuffer BNADataStoreOutputGML.handleSurfaces(java.lang.String crs, GM_Object o)
private  java.lang.StringBuffer BNADataStoreOutputGML.handleMultiCurves(java.lang.String crs, GM_Object o)
private  java.lang.StringBuffer BNADataStoreOutputGML.handleMultiSurfaces(java.lang.String crs, GM_Object o)
private  Feature BNADataStore.CGetFeature.createFeature(BNAFeature bnafeature, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Creates a Feature from a BNAFeature
private  GM_Object BNADataStore.CGetFeature.getGMObject(BNAFeature bnafeature, CS_CoordinateSystem crs)
          Builds a GM_Object from a BNAFeature.

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
private  int DataStoreOutputFC.getGeometryType(byte[] wkb)

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
private  void WTService_Impl.handleWFSTINs(FeatureCollection fc, double scale, int[] index)
          handles the response to a WFS GetFeature request containing DEM as TINs
 GM_Surface[] Splitter.makeStripes(int count)
          tiles the footprint trapez into count pralell stripes with an identical view angle from the viewers position
(package private)  GM_Surface[] Splitter.makeBoxes(GM_Surface stripe, int count)
          tiles a stripe into count boxes

Uses of GM_Exception in

Methods in that throw GM_Exception
static GeometryArray TINtoTINArrayConverter.convertToArray(FeatureCollection fc, boolean enableTexture, float scale)
          Converts the geometries of the feature of a feature collection to TINs stored in a

Uses of GM_Exception in org.deegree.model.geometry

Methods in org.deegree.model.geometry that throw GM_Exception
 GM_SurfacePatch GM_Surface.getSurfacePatchAt(int index)
          returns the surface patch at the submitted index
 void GM_Surface.setSurfacePatchAt(GM_SurfacePatch segment, int index)
          writes a surface patch to the surface at submitted position. the old patch will be deleted
 void GM_Surface.insertSurfacePatchAt(GM_SurfacePatch segment, int index)
          inserts a surface patch in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted
 void GM_Surface.deleteSurfacePatchAt(int index)
          deletes the surface patch at the submitted index
 GM_CurveSegment GM_Ring.getAsCurveSegment()
          returns the ring as an instance of GM_CurveSegment
 void GM_OrientablePrimitive.setOrientation(char orientation)
          sets the curves orientation
 void GM_MultiSurface.insertSurfaceAt(GM_Surface gms, int index)
          inserts a GM_Surface in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiSurface.setSurfaceAt(GM_Surface gms, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Surface at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gms equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Surface GM_MultiSurface.removeSurfaceAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Surface at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 void GM_MultiPoint.insertPointAt(GM_Point gmp, int index)
          inserts a GM_Point into the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiPoint.setPointAt(GM_Point gmp, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Point at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmp equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Point GM_MultiPoint.removePointAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Point at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 void GM_MultiCurve.insertCurveAt(GM_Curve gmc, int index)
          inserts a GM_Curve in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmc equals null an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_MultiCurve.setCurveAt(GM_Curve gmc, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Curve at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 or smaller then 0 or gmc equals null an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Curve GM_MultiCurve.removeCurveAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Curve at the submitted index from the aggregation.
 GM_LineString GM_GenericCurve.getAsLineString()
          returns the curve as GM_LineString
 GM_CurveSegment GM_Curve.getCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          returns the curve segment at the submitted index
 void GM_Curve.setCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          writes a segment to the curve at submitted position. the old point will be deleted
 void GM_Curve.insertCurveSegmentAt(GM_CurveSegment segment, int index)
          inserts a segment in the curve at the submitted position. all points with a position that equals index or is higher will be shifted
 void GM_Curve.addCurveSegment(GM_CurveSegment segment)
          adds a segment at the end of the curve
 void GM_Curve.deleteCurveSegmentAt(int index)
          deletes the segment at the submitted index
 void GM_Aggregate.merge(GM_Aggregate aggregate)
          merges two aggregation.
 void GM_Aggregate.insertObjectAt(GM_Object gmo, int index)
          inserts a GM_Object in the aggregation. all elements with an index equal or larger index will be moved. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 an exception will be thrown.
 void GM_Aggregate.setObjectAt(GM_Object gmo, int index)
          sets the submitted GM_Object at the submitted index. the element at the position index will be removed. if index is larger then getSize() - 1 an exception will be thrown.
 GM_Object GM_Aggregate.removeObjectAt(int index)
          removes the GM_Object at the submitted index from the aggregation.