Uses of Class

Packages that use WebServiceException

Uses of WebServiceException in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control

Methods in org.deegree_impl.clients.wmsclient2.control that throw WebServiceException
private  java.awt.image.BufferedImage PrintListener.getMap(java.util.HashMap[] model)
          gets the map with corresponding mapsizes built-in the urls.
private  void HighlightingListener.highlight(java.lang.String queryLayer, WMSGetMapRequest gmr, ViewContext vc)
          sets the request for highlighting.

Uses of WebServiceException in org.deegree_impl.enterprise

Constructors in org.deegree_impl.enterprise that throw WebServiceException
WTSServlet.WTS(java.util.HashMap paramMap, HttpServletResponse resp)
          FIXME: Exception type when pool is empty!

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 java.lang.String OGCWebServiceRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void GazetteerService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService_Impl class.
private  void GazetteerService_Impl.handleGetCapabilities(WFSGGetCapabilitiesRequest request)
private  void GazetteerService_Impl.handleDescribeFeatureType(WFSGDescribeFeatureTypeRequest request)

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WCASService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface.
 OGCWebServiceResponse WCASService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WCService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 OGCWebServiceResponse WCService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
 void RemoteWCService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 OGCWebServiceResponse RemoteWCService.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleGetCoverage(WCSGetCoverageRequest request)
          performs a GetMap request against the remote service.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleDescribeCoverageLayer(WCSDescribeCoverageLayerRequest request)
          reads feature infos from the remote WCS by performing a FeatureInfo request against it.
private  OGCWebServiceEvent RemoteWCService.handleGetCapabilities(WCSGetCapabilitiesRequest request)
          reads the capabilities from the remote WCS by performing a GetCapabilities request against it.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 java.lang.String WCSGetCoverageRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WCTService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface via WCTService.
 OGCWebServiceResponse WCTService.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WFSService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          implements the doService method inherited from the OGCWebService interface via WFSService.
 OGCWebServiceResponse WFSService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
 void RemoteWFService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 OGCWebServiceResponse RemoteWFService.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
private  void RemoteWFService.handleGetFeature(WFSGetFeatureRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          performs a GetFeature request against the remote service.
private  void RemoteWFService.handleDescribeFeatureType(WFSDescribeFeatureTypeRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          Pefroms a describe feature type request against a remote WFS.
private  void RemoteWFService.handleGetCapabilities(WFSGetCapabilitiesRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          reads the capabilities from the remote WFS by performing a GetCapabilities request against it.

Constructors in that throw WebServiceException
RemoteWFService(WFSCapabilities capabilities)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteWFService

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WMService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
          receives a WMS request and deligates it to the responsible handle-methods
 OGCWebServiceResponse WMService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
private  java.lang.Object WMService_Impl.createHandler(OGCWebServiceRequest request, java.lang.Class requestClass, int operationType)
          creates a handler class for performing the incomming request.
private  WMSGetCapabilitiesResponse WMService_Impl.handleGetCapabilities(WMSGetCapabilitiesRequest request)
          reads/creates the capabilities of the WMS.
private  OGCWebServiceResponse WMService_Impl.handleGetLegendGraphic(WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest request)
private  OGCWebServiceResponse WMService_Impl.handleGetScaleBar(WMSGetScaleBarRequest request)
 void RemoteWMService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 OGCWebServiceResponse RemoteWMService.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleGetMap(WMSGetMapRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          performs a GetMap request against the remote service.
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleFeatureInfo(WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          reads feature infos from the remote WMS by performing a FeatureInfo request against it.
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleGetCapabilities(WMSGetCapabilitiesRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
          reads the capabilities from the remote WMS by performing a GetCapabilities request against it.
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleGetStyles(WMSGetStylesRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
protected  void RemoteWMService.handlePutStyles(WMSPutStylesRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleDescribeLayer(WMSDescribeLayerRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
protected  void RemoteWMService.handleGetLegendGraphic(WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest request, OGCWebServiceClient client)
 WMSGetScaleBarResponse GetScaleBarHandler.performGetScaleBar()
          performs the request and returns the result of it.
 OGCWebServiceResponse GetMapHandler_Impl.performGetMap()
          performs a GetMap request and retruns the result encapsulated within a WMSGetMapResponse object.
private  UserStyle[] GetMapHandler_Impl.getStyles(NamedLayer sldLayer)
          returns the UserStyles assigned to a named layer
private  boolean GetMapHandler_Impl.validate(Layer layer, java.lang.String name)
          validates if the requested layer matches the conditions of the request if not a WebServiceException will be thrown.
 WMSGetLegendGraphicResponse GetLegendGraphicHandler.performGetLegendGraphic()
          performs the request and returns the result of it.
private  void GetLegendGraphicHandler.validate(WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest request)
          validates if the passed request is valid against the WMS it was sent to and the SLD maybe contained or referenced in/by the request.
private  LegendElement GetLegendGraphicHandler.getSymbol(WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest request)
private  LegendElement GetLegendGraphicHandler.getFromWellKnownStyle()
          creates a LegendElement from a style known by the WMS
private  LegendElement GetLegendGraphicHandler.getFromSLDStyle()
          creates a LegendElement from a style defined in the SLD document passed/referenced by/in the request
 WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.performGetFeatureInfo()
          performs a GetFeatureInfo request and retruns the result encapsulated within a WMSFeatureInfoResponse object.
private  boolean GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.validate(Layer layer, java.lang.String name)
          validates if the requested layer matches the conditions of the request if not a WebServiceException will be thrown.
private  void GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.waitForFinish()
          waits until the requested layers are available as DisplayElements or the time limit has been reached.
private  GM_Envelope GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl.ServiceInvoker.calcTargetArea(DataSource ds)
          calculates the target area for the getfeatureinfo request from the maps bounding box, the its size and the image coordinates of interest.

Constructors in that throw WebServiceException
RemoteWMService(WMSCapabilities capabilities)
          Creates a new instance of RemoteWMService
GetScaleBarHandler(WMSCapabilities capabilities, WMSGetScaleBarRequest request)
          Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetMapHandler_Impl(WMSCapabilities capabilities, WMSGetMapRequest request)
          Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetLegendGraphicHandler(WMSCapabilities capabilities, WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest request)
          Creates a new GetMapHandler object.
GetFeatureInfoHandler_Impl(WMSCapabilities capabilities, WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest request)
          Creates a new GetMapHandler object.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 java.lang.String WMSGetScaleBarRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
 java.lang.String WMSGetMapRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the parameter of a HTTP GET request.
 java.lang.String WMSGetLegendGraphicRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          method for creating a OGC WMS 1.1.1 conform legend graphic request
 java.lang.String WMSGetFeatureInfoRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the parameter of a HTTP GET request.
 java.lang.String WMSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 void WTService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent event)
 OGCWebServiceResponse WTService_Impl.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/method

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 java.lang.String WTSGetCapabilitiesRequest_Impl.getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.

Uses of WebServiceException in

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 java.lang.String OGCWebServiceRequest.getRequestParameter()
          returns the URI of a HTTP GET request.
 void OGCWebService.doService(OGCWebServiceEvent request)
          the implementation of this method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent in an new own Thread.
 OGCWebServiceResponse OGCWebService.doService(OGCWebServiceRequest request)
          the implementation of this method performs the handling of the passed OGCWebServiceEvent directly and returns the result to the calling class/ method

Uses of WebServiceException in

Subclasses of WebServiceException in
 class CurrentUpdateSequenceException
 class InvalidSRSException
 class InvalidUpdateSequenceException
 class LayerNotDefinedException
 class LayerNotQueryableException
 class StyleNotDefinedException

Methods in that throw WebServiceException
 OGCWebServiceResponse GetMapHandler.performGetMap()
 WMSGetFeatureInfoResponse GetFeatureInfoHandler.performGetFeatureInfo()
          performs a GetFeatureInfo request and retruns the result encapsulated within a WMSFeatureInfoResponse object.